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Junia was frustrated with the progress they were making. Filip had overstayed his welcome, yet he remained indecisive. With Lynne whispering in one ear and Edward in the other, he couldn't decide what to do, resulting in the subsequent indecision of the senators, too. Ulysses was spending more time with him, hunched over maps to discuss strategies or military advantages. Or, more often, he was seen talking with Ivanya or a senator with a pointed beard named Stefan. The two seemed to be more capable of working than the king, who often staggered around charming Southerners or flaunting his power. Junia thought of her own father when she saw Filip and flinched at the realisation.

Spies had confirmed by then that Audrey had killed Lachlan, but Junia was not angry at her cousin. She trusted Audrey. As well as being more mature and observant than most others her age, she was honest and honourable. If she had truly put a sword in her father, Junia assumed it was for a good reason. She refused to believe otherwise.

Junia was in her room, curled over a history book, when Ulysses entered. She spent little time with him—she spent most of her time with Cloud and Katana while he dealt with demanding nobles and scheming advisers alone.

"Any news?" Junia asked Ulysses.

"Filip is heading back to the West," Ulysses said, sitting on the bed next to her. "They cannot decide on an alliance, but they have agreed to lend us an amount of their army as payment for the food and hospitality we have offered. Filip thinks it would be best if he didn't leave his brother in charge for much longer, and he will send a messenger here at some point to confirm his final decision."

Indecisive ass, Junia thought. If only she could have convinced Lynne... but no, the woman was too stubborn to see reason.

"And Annalee?" Junia's tone was hopeful.

"Lynne doesn't trust us." Ulysses shook his head.

"Have you tried talking to her?"

"Yes. Many times. It is impossible to sway her. "

"I... just miss Annalee sometimes."

"So do I." Ulysses said, his usually tense body relaxing.

Junia found her vision blurring, and she did not know why until Ulysses leaned over, brushing the tears from her cheek.

"We'll be fine," Ulysses promised her, taking her hands and squeezing them.

"Life is so unfair."

"I know. But it will all be fixed soon."

"No, it won't. I always think it will be, but it never is."

"I'm sorry." He knew better than to promise things that would never be.

Junia was quiet for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts.

"Please. Promise me that, even after all of this, you will still be here for me. That if I lose Annalee, I won't lose you too."

Ulysses' face contorted with badly concealed emotions.

"I can't make any promises." Ulysses said. He stood, letting go of her hands. "My duty is to the South."

"Ulysses, I think we should try to negotiate with Landon." She tried to make her voice confident. "They have Malena in Northstone and..."

"She's barely two." But Junia heard the hesitation in his voice before it strengthened with resolve. "It's not worth it. I will not negotiate with the usurper unless he comes to me on his knees."

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