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After a few days of resting and getting to know Teravardi more, she was starting to get used to the castle. She had spoken to Ulysses about accommodation, caught up with Clovis, and learnt all the rooms and places of her new home. But, wherever she went, Lachlan's ghost followed, a reminder of the king who had once lived there. As well as they hid it, Audrey knew some part of Ulysses and Annalee couldn't help despising her for Lachlan's death, no matter the circumstances. She didn't blame them.

Monster, the walls whispered as the ghosts walked alongside her. Northerner, killer, intruder.

She was a killer, but she realised that she had lost some remorse for what she had done to survive. She was a princess, anyway; commoners were going to die for her, no matter what she did. If she could displace all blame on her heritage and duty, it made it easier to deal with.

She was sitting in the gardens watching the archers when Will came over. Over the past few days, they had spent a lot of time together exploring the gardens and castle, and she even sat at the commoner table with him during mealtimes, even if she received much scrutiny from both tables for it.

"Hi," Audrey said curtly, her eyes moving back to the archers as they shot arrows. Some were beginners and struggled to hit the target board, while others hit the bullseye every time. She pulled her knees to her chin and watched, remembering how she had once done the same. It had seemed pointless at the time, but she was grateful for it.

"May I sit?" Will's voice came back.

Audrey nodded and soon he was next to her, his eyes on the archers too.

"I remember when that used to be us." Will cracked a grin.

"Can you nock an arrow, milady?" Audrey mocked in a high-pitched voice.

"I never said that!" Will said, his hand flying up to cover his heart indignantly.

"Well, you said something like that," Audrey snorted, twisting so she was sitting opposite him. She could see him perfectly in the light of the sun. A freckle under one eye, a tiny cut on his lip, a faded scar on his forehead. His blue eyes, the silver in his pale hair. He was different, somehow. More mature, despite his playful comments, and he smiled less. But they were both still breathing despite it all.

I'm a killer, and if I were you, I wouldn't look at me that way, she thought.

"That was some time ago," Will mused.

"I remember." Even Audrey managed a wistful smile. "I wish you could have met my brother. I think you two would have got along."

"And you with my sister."

Audrey was silent, watching him. Her heart was fluttering, like a butterfly unable to catch. Flying out of reach and control.

"Will, I..." Her breath caught. She felt as if she was drowning, unable to form words as only bubbles escaped her lips. "I feel like I could give you a thousand thank-yous, and never feel like I've truly paid you back."

"Then don't try," Will advised. "You could with a kiss, though."

He was only teasing, and both of them knew it. But that didn't stop Audrey from reaching over and pressing her lips to his.

You're a princess of the North, and you don't love anyone but honour, her father's voice whispered in her head as she curled her fingers into his silver hair, feeling his lips respond once he regained his wits.

Unlike Landon's kiss, Will's felt safer. Secure. Landon had felt like dancing at the edge of a blade, always with distrust and an element of danger between them, while Will was familiar and warm. Not thrilling, but there was something comforting about surety.

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