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To honour the rise of a new king, Kael announced a tourney for anyone in the dominion to join. After two weeks of preparation mainly led by Ethelind, Audrey's new maid, a young woman with an afro and a soft face, visited Audrey in her chambers.

"My name is Alika, Your Highness," she introduced, curtseying. "I am here to help you prepare for the tourney."

"Please, call me Audrey." Audrey gave the woman a wry smile and stood. She remembered saying the same thing to Clovis years ago.

She accepted he was probably dead, but couldn't help missing his company. Some part of her knew that he had only befriended her at first because he wanted to get closer to Thomas, just like almost everybody else did, but he had come to love her, too. A ruined princess and an irrelevant cartographer. The thought made her want to laugh.

"Of course." Alika didn't question it. "I am supposed to help you dress."

Audrey stood and gestured to the chest of clothes she had lying at the foot of her bed.

"Although, admittedly, I have terrible fashion sense," Alika added with a small grin, looking up at Audrey.

"We'd best wait for Edith, in that case."

"May I do your hair, then? I'm alright at doing hair, and Tyrek will kill me if I don't help."

Audrey nodded and sat down, letting Alika tease the tangles out of her auburn tresses and braid it with nimble fingers. Once she was done, she pinned it up into a bun with a jade hair clip.

"Thank you." Audrey looked down at her hands. She hadn't been allowed to leave her room since the feast and was hoping that Ulysses would soon march in with a large army of Southern soldiers behind him.

"I'm here to serve." Alika smiled softly and stood to open the door as a knock sounded. Edith walked in, not making eye contact with Audrey. She had been caught eavesdropping by a guard and was so ashamed of it that she had displaced the blame on Audrey for asking for information.

"Good morning, miss," Edith muttered.

"She needs a dress for the jousts," Alika said.

Edith knelt by the chest and sorted through it, searching for something. Audrey and Alika watched as she stood, pulling out a crimson brocade gown with flared sleeves.

"An escoffion with the dress?" Alika suggested.

"Too eccentric," Edith replied flatly. "The clip will do, especially with a jewelled girdle."

"This is why I don't attempt fashion," Alika snorted, then turned to Audrey. "Have you had breakfast yet?"

Audrey nodded, although she was lying. She had sent the servant with the tray of food away.

"You two should get to the king soon. He isn't patient," Edith remarked.

Alika glanced at Audrey. "She's right."

Audrey followed Alika out after dressing, resisting the urge to reach up and pull her hair out of its bun to let it hang in its familiar braid. The castle was mostly empty as they walked through the winding corridors and steps, most of the servants and guards having already left for the tourney, and two guards trailed behind them, looking bored.

"What is Kael playing at?" Audrey asked as they walked.

Alika didn't seem fazed by Audrey's direct question.

"He's trying to gain love among the Northerners." Alika paused for a moment. "You're actually helping his cause. There was a tense moment when it seemed like Kael's men and Lucian's were about to turn on each other—something to do with ribbons, I don't know—but Ethelind stopped it by using your name. The Northerners are more inclined to kneel because of your presence, and Ethelind somehow got both sides to back down."

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