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Junia drowned in a feeling of helplessness as she lay on the rough infirmary bed, trying to gather her thoughts. She could still see Annalee running off into the darkness, gone before she could catch up. She could still feel the fear that had gripped her as she hurried down the tree after her twin; the terror she had felt as the crossbow bolt had skimmed over her head. If she had been an inch taller, she would be dead. What scared her the most was the feeling of vulnerability that teased her after being so close to death. In the past, she had been so protected by the walls of Teravardi Castle that she had never even considered dying. Suddenly, she was acutely aware of her own mortality, and it was something she struggled to comprehend.

I have only seen twelve years of life; I'm too young to die.

She stared at the ceiling, tracing the curved wooden beams with her eyes. The castle physician, an elderly and half-deaf man named Albert, sat nearby reading a book on remedies as Junia despaired alone. She had never felt as lonely and pathetic as she did in that bed, focusing on her breathing. She wanted to be home with Annalee, reading on her bed with her dog, Cloud, nestled on the quilts. Emelyn with Malena had briefly visited the infirmary but had left after a messenger had burst in to declare that Kael was alive and coming to visit. The chaplain of the castle had also stopped by to pray for her recovery and her sister's health. She appreciated the gesture, but she didn't want to be stuck there any longer with a bored guard and subdued physician for company. She hated it, but she was too scared to move from the comfort of the covers, only able to see the shot of the crossbow as it had skimmed right over her head. So close to killing her...

She closed her eyes and slept.

She awoke when the screaming began and the bells started to ring.

Someone was in the bell tower, warning everyone of an invasion or siege. It cut short, most likely as the ringer was killed, and she imagined the person desperately pulling the rope, their hands slippery with sweat and blood, bravely continuing to ring the bell as their killer loomed behind them with a sword to silence them forever.

Junia hated her imagination sometimes.

The guard by the doorway was quick to abandon their post, running out with their sword unsheathed. Junia was unprotected, but maybe the medic knew what to do.

"ALBERT!" Junia yelled, feeling the violent palpitations of her heart. She had never needed Annalee more to reassure her and tell her what to do.

Albert had already left, chasing after the guard as fast as he could. With little thought, Junia stood and shoved open the window. She instantly regretted it as soon as she looked outside. People were being rounded up and slaughtered unless they all knelt before their captive, regardless of age or gender. Babies wailed loudly, shrieks sounded from dying people, and people were engaging in battle everywhere as Everwood knights, still clinging to fidelity for their king, fought back despite being outnumbered. Arrows rained down from the battlements, sometimes hitting innocents by mistake in friendly fire. The Shadowhart men were overwhelming the joint forces of Lucian and Lachlan's men, pushing through with practised speed.

Kael deceived them, Junia thought. Her mind couldn't grasp the malign the man had shown by breaking a truce. This was something that happened in stories, not to people like Junia. She was good; she didn't deserve this; she was good; she was good...

Junia started to search for a weapon but found herself hyperventilating instead. She was so shaken up that she shrieked and jumped backwards when someone burst into the room, only relaxing when she saw the crown badge of an Everwood servant sewn onto his tunic.

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