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The ceremonies were tedious, but Ethelind managed to stay awake during them, forcing her mind to stay focused. She had been placed beside Jax and Edison to watch as Landon pledged himself to the North before a priest, both standing in front of the throne.

"I am now responsible for the North," Landon finished, replying to the priest. "And I will do everything I can to protect it."

Ethelind's eyes moved to Audrey, blocking off his voice. Not that far away, she stood next to Lady Hill and Lord Rutea, her eyes restlessly flitting around the room. She still looked young, but if one looked closely, they could see the wariness in her expression. A red scar cut across her left hand and hurt glinted behind her eyes. Yet, despite all of it, in front of the hurt was an icy coldness. An unforgiving winter's wind, a snowstorm that could destroy.

The girl was often stupid, annoying, and naïve, but Ethelind respected the person she was becoming. After the futile escape attempt, she had grown more distant, and she composed herself quietly, a blank expression on her face. She was learning to forget honour and stop being stubborn—things like marriage could be steps to power, and she had to let go of preconceived notions of virtue to rise. Audrey had grown up with few responsibilities, weighed down her brother's death, believing that her own grief was the centre of her being; self-centred, even if not selfish, and close-minded. But, strangely, Ethelind wondered if Landon had played a part in pulling her out of that shell. For the better or the worst. Audrey had killed, she had seen the reality of the world, and she had emerged as something other than the spoiled, blinded princess she had been.

To the left of the throne sat Kael's coffin, covered in small swirls and a painted golden crown on the lid to symbolise that a king was dead. Audrey's gaze slid to Kael's coffin now and again, and so did Landon's. Both of them were aware of the dead king lying nearby.

Ethelind was relieved when the crown was finally placed on Landon's head. He stood from where he had been kneeling and the people watching clapped. Four women dressed in white walked forwards and picked up Kael's coffin carefully before walking out in perfectly synchronised motions to bury him outside.

There was a small prayer led by the priest and Ethelind bowed her head along with everyone else while it happened. Then Landon sat down on the throne, settling into it with his usual display of confidence. As if he was meant to be there.

"All hail King Landon!" The priest called.

Echoes of the words followed, and it surprised Ethelind to see Audrey mutter the words along with them.

Stupid girl, Ethelind thought, remembering that she had left the hall earlier with Landon. Don't listen to him.

She was about to leave the hall when the sound of trumpets sounded, announcing an important visitor. Landon frowned but leaned forward on his throne, waiting to see who it would be. Everyone in the throne room slowly moved to the side to leave a clear path down the middle, including Ethelind. She had received no news of an arrival and was curious, albeit annoyed. Why hadn't her spies given her word?

Her eyes sought King Adebiyi in the crowds and found him standing with his daughters, his face impassive, while his eldest daughter tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"Lady Grace Shadowhart!" an announcer called, his loud voice booming across the room.

Landon visibly stiffened on his throne before resting his head on his hand, his eyes widening slightly. All heads turned to the entrance as the double doors were opened.

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