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When Junia got to her allocated tent, the sun was already rising with the morning. Cloud bounded up as soon as Junia entered and Katana glanced up from where she had been sleeping, her eyes weary.

"You need sleep," Katana mumbled before falling asleep again. Junia smiled at her and lay down on the bed opposite, a small mound of sheepskin with a thick quilt thrown over it, falling asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

She crouched on the windowsill of a tall tower, looking down. Wind swirled, making her blonde hair fly around her face, and almost obscured the sound of footsteps behind her. She turned and found Edward grinning at her.

"Jump," he urged, his voice a seductive whisper.

"No," Junia told him.

"I'll push you if you don't jump," Edward threatened.

Junia looked down. It was so far that she couldn't see the bottom. All she knew was that she would die when she hit the ground.

"Go on," Edward urged. "It will end all of your suffering, I promise."

Junia shook her head. "No, I can't. I'll die."

"Exactly." The voice came from right behind her.

"Edward, don't!" Junia screamed.

Then he pushed her, and she was falling. Plunging to her death, the ground racing up to meet her.

Only when she looked up, it wasn't Edward standing there. It was Ulysses, smiling at her.

Junia woke up to find herself on the ground, panting. Somebody was beside her... Lucrezia. Raven-haired Lucrezia, dressed in white silk with a gold band holding her hair away from her face.

"You were screaming," Lucrezia frowned, tenderly brushing her hair away from her face with soft hands.

"I... I was falling," Junia explained. She tried to sit up and collapsed. "What time is it?"

"Almost midday," Lucrezia said softly. "Edward was looking for you, so I went and checked myself. I was worried, to be honest. Lots of people in the West don't like you, and it would've been easy for any of them to sneak into your tent and stab you."

She stroked Cloud, who was lying next to Junia on the quilt. "Your dog is so cute," Lucrezia added.

"I've had Cloud for a long time," Junia explained. The next time she tried to sit up, she managed. "Where is Edward now?"

"I told him to watch the duels while I found you. I told Katana to go as well, although she was reluctant to do so. Giulio is winning against everyone," Lucrezia said. Then she paused. "I... saw you late last night."

"I know. You and Leandro."

"Please don't tell anyone. I know the West is supposed to be accepting of everyone, and we are, most of the time. But I am still expected to marry someone of a higher standing. Especially if Edward found out, my life would be ruined. Just... think nothing of it, please. We're trying to work it out."

"I understand."

"So, what were you doing last night?"

"I can't tell you."

Lucrezia's smile was wry. "You know my secret and that it would ruin my reputation. I'm sure what you were doing wasn't too bad."

"I went down to the forge. Got a blacksmith to make me a sword," Junia muttered, self-conscious.

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