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The castle was almost empty. There were less servants, some of them being sent to war, and there were also fewer guards. It was strange. Jax wasn't in the field, teaching soldiers how to swing a sword, and Kael wasn't in his room, brooding and sending out letters. It was just her and the skeleton of Northstone's household.

As for Landon, there was no change. He was often seen around the castle speaking to different people in positions of power, a charming smile on his lips. The ladies desired him, the lords admired him, and the servants respected him.

That little twat was a thorn in her side.

Kael was easy to deal with. He was good at war, but he was often unpredictable with politics, easily angered and quick to change his mind. He needed Ethelind at his side to deal with the treasury and angry nobles, to find spies and whisper information in his ear. Aldric would also be easy to manipulate.

As for Landon... he didn't need Ethelind. Which was dangerous for her.

Ethelind spent lots of time writing letters to lords and ladies to request money or soldiers, not paying too much attention to whether they were from the North, East, or West. She sent no letters to Damek Westerling, however. Word had it that he was planning to overthrow Kael and take the throne himself, his claim being that he was Lucian's only brother. When Kael got back from battle—when, not if—Ethelind would have to discuss disposal methods with him. Damek couldn't be allowed to become a proper threat while Ulysses was still determined to avenge his parents. A civil war would complicate war with the South.

Ethelind had sent disguised riders and trackers out looking for Junia and Annalee. There was no sign of either of the twins, although a Southerner claimed she had seen someone of the right description speaking to the most well-known highwaymen in the Main States. Ethelind's trackers had beaten her up for wasting their time.

"My lady, I have two letters addressed for you," her maid said as she entered and passed her the letters. "And Calhoun is here to see you."

"Send him in."

The maid curtseyed and left, Calhoun entering as soon as she had taken her leave. He was dressed in green velvet, the symbol of the East on his breast pocket. He was about Ethelind's age, and a handsome young man. Adebiyi had sent the best of his retinue to represent him on purpose.

"My lady," Calhoun greeted, bending his head to kiss her knuckles. He had a noticeable Eastern accent, pronouncing each vowel with more emphasis than the Northerners.

"Sir Calhoun. What a pleasure." Ethelind smiled.

"Soon to be an earl, as far as Adebiyi tells me." Calhoun leaned against the door frame.

A conceited young boy, she mused.

"How pleasant of him," Ethelind replied. "Why did you seek my company?"

"Adebiyi wants to offer his support in your war against the South." Calhoun shrugged. "But he is wary. Your king has already taken down one monarch. What is to say he wouldn't take down another? He believes that if he could gain something from it, he would be more disposed to help you with soldiers and supplies."

Ethelind's expression didn't change.

"Tell Adebiyi he may have some of the South when we take it," Ethelind decided. Kael would be annoyed when he heard she had made such an offer without asking him, but Ethelind knew that she'd be able to get him to her side. She always could.

"But how much?"

"It depends how much help is offered," Ethelind replied with a small smirk.

"Let's say we gave you ten thousand infantry."

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