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A week later, Junia waited outside Teravardi Castle with Katana, Cloud, Ulysses, and Josiah to welcome back her twin. Junia's hands were almost shaking with anticipation as she waited for the carriage door to open, shifting from foot to foot.

The doors opened, and eternity seemed to stretch in that moment, waiting for a missing girl to climb out.

A flash of golden curls bouncing around a slender shoulder, a whirl of laughter, then Annalee was flying into Junia's arms, crushing her, clinging to her as if she were all that was left. Junia clutched Annalee tightly, sobbing as everyone watched.

"Juni, is that you?" Annalee asked, almost whispering as she pulled back. Those were Junia's blue eyes shining in that puddle of tears, her other half, the person she had thought dead for months, and it was so overwhelming.

"Yes. It's me." Tears filled Junia's eyes. "You're here. You're really here."

They embraced again as Cloud bounded towards Annalee. It took some time before Junia let go of Annalee and they stared at each other. While Junia's hair was still growing back where Clovis had cut it, Annalee's had grown to waist length. The one thing that hadn't changed was the eccentric gleam in her eyes and the wide smile that Junia remembered so well. Two seasons later, Annalee was still dressed in breeches and a loose tunic, her hair done in a bun with black riding boots on her feet. She looked so confident that Junia felt small again. The smaller sister again.

"How did you escape the North?" Annalee asked at the same time Junia asked, "how are you still alive?"

Annalee grinned and kissed her on the cheek. "We'll catch up later." She turned to Ulysses and hugged him next, having to reach on her tiptoes to stretch her short arms around his shoulders.

"King now, huh?" Annalee asked as she pulled away.

Ulysses smiled. "Apparently I have a duty to fulfil."

Annalee winked before turning to Josiah. "And who are you?"

"The head guard." Josiah glared at her. "I was recruited recently."

"Cool. No emotional welcome to your princess?" Annalee offered.

Josiah leered at her, and she shrugged, turning away with shining eyes. "It's... wait, is everything still the same?"

Seconds later, she had run in and Junia and Katana ran after her as she rushed around, exclaiming over the interior of the castle. She stopped short at the burnt tower, still under construction.

"Long story," Katana said bluntly.

Annalee turned to Katana as if seeing her for the first time. "Of course," she said with a small smile. "I'm Annalee, by the way."

"You don't need the formalities," Katana smiled.

"Formalities are for acquaintances," Annalee replied. "I know who you are. The daughter of Damek... you sided with the Shadowharts, right?"

Junia frowned at Annalee. During the reunions, she had completely ignored Katana, who suddenly looked ready to murder Annalee. Knowing Katana's natural fierceness and Annalee's ability to be led by her emotions, she realised that the two were not the best combination.

"Katana, can you take Cloud for a walk?" Junia asked quickly before Katana could reply.

Katana nodded, gesturing at Cloud to follow her, which Cloud happily did. Annalee rounded on Junia.

"Cloud was our dog! Not even Ulysses could play with him, and now this traitor can?" Annalee demanded.

"Annalee, calm down," Junia pleaded. "We have one night together until we'll be separated once again, and who knows when we will meet again after that? Katana is my friend... you don't know what you've been through. You have no right to attack someone before you understand their predicament."

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