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On the last morning of the festival, Katana woke her. Junia's body was already sore from Leandro's pushing, added to all the festivities Katana had dragged her to once she had made it back, but she sat up.

"And that's the festival done!" Katana said as she pulled Junia up. "We're back to Valkitia today."

Junia rubbed her eyes wearily, trying to make her muscles move even as they complained.

"Katana, do you know how to fight?" Junia asked.

Katana glanced at Junia curiously. "A cousin of mine taught me. That's why I always have this." She gestured at the dirk on her belt. "Why?"

For some reason, Junia didn't want to tell Katana that she had a sword. "I was just curious since you always carry that around."

"I would never be a match against someone like Leandro, but I think I am good enough to use basic attacks," Katana said, looking thoughtful. "Anyway, where were you yesterday morning? I told Lucrezia to tell you where I was, but you took ages."

"I was..." Junia paused, searching for a lie. She didn't want to say that she had been raking leaves and running around a forest. "Watching the workers at the forge. Exploring a bit."

"Ah," Katana nodded. "Let's go, anyway. The carriage is ready for us."

"Can you go ahead with Cloud?" Junia asked. "I need to find Leandro quickly."

"I'll come," Katana said instantly.

"I need you to hold up the carriage for us, though," Junia lied. "I don't know how long it will take me to find him, and I don't want the carriage heading off without me."

Katana sighed. "Fine. I don't like to be apart from you, but..." she shrugged. "As you wish."

She gestured at Cloud to follow her as Katana left the tent.

Junia counted slowly to fifty before uncovering the sword from under her sheepskin blankets. She held it close to her chest as she hurried to find Leandro, slipping through crowds of laughing Westerners. It wasn't hard to find him barking orders at a group of drunk soldiers.

"Hullo Junia," Leandro said, turning as he noticed her. "Need something?"

"I need you to look after this until we get to Lynne's castle," Junia said lowly. While the giggling soldiers turned to look at a 'bear'—a big rock that a drunk guard pointed out—she passed him the sword. He nodded and took it.

"Will do. I'll see you soon, kid," Leandro said.

Junia smiled and curtseyed before hurrying off to where the carriages were leaving. Katana was already inside one with Cloud as Junia threw herself in, shutting the door behind her.

"Why did you want to find Leandro?" Katana frowned.

"Something about Edward." The more lies I tell, the better I get at telling them.

"What about him?" Katana asked, lowering her voice as the carriage rolled forward.

"I wanted to see if Leandro knew where he was. I don't want to be near him."

Katana seemed suspicious, but she nodded. "Alright."

Junia leaned her head against the side of the carriage. It was made of wood and carved with small golden flowers, polished until it shone. Her fingers slowly traced the flowers as the carriage bumped along a small path.

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