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To welcome Junia, a festival was held near the castle. Leandro wouldn't stop talking about it, going on about the dancing and colours and food.

"You'll love it," he assured her enthusiastically as they walked to a carriage. "It's astounding. It goes on for two days; tents are set up, we stay overnight, then do it again."

"Two nights?"

"Yep. We leave on the third morning ; one day isn't enough, so we go for two. Tell me you've been to a festival before, please."

Junia shook her head, and Leandro looked genuinely horrified. His spirit was enlightening, and Junia found she liked his effusive company. No matter what he said, it never sounded like an insult.

"You uncultured Southerners. Come and you'll see why we don't like getting involved in wars."

Katana rushed over to Junia upon seeing her, Cloud running after.

"Junia!" Katana said.

"Hullo, Katana," Leandro greeted.

Katana gave him a small wave before following him. She was dressed in a long, embroidered tunic reaching her knees, her usual dirk still hanging from her waist in a toughened leather scabbard. Black leather shoes were laced on her feet and she seemed to dance around in them, walking on the tips of her feet.

"Hello, Leandro," Katana said with a smile. Even she had easily taken to him. "So, where are we going?"

"To get a carriage." Leandro cocked his head to the side. "I could swear you were taking different carriages."

"I was, but I was told I could come with Junia."

Leandro didn't seem too bothered as he led them to the gates, which were already open, and held the door of a carriage for them as they hopped inside. The journey was brief and soon they had stopped and were being ushered out by Leandro.

It took Junia a moment to process her surroundings as she stepped out and gasped. An entire town and field had been converted into a festival and hundreds of people were gathered, throwing fruit at each other or watching as a man juggled burning rods and breathed fire. Junia could hear someone singing a folk song not far away and cheers as two men duelled to their left. Everywhere was full of activities and Junia couldn't help but grin. Katana grabbed Junia's hand and squeezed it, then took the pouch of coins that Leandro offered.

"Thanks," Katana grinned.

"We need to go!" Junia said before running through the crowds. She could hear Leandro's laughter behind them.

"I'll collect you here at sunset," he called. "Don't die, get lost, trust strangers, or..."

"Yep!" Katana called over her shoulder as they ran, and Junia giggled. Cloud was beside them as they stopped in the centre of a market, stalls selling everything from woodwork to fruit around them. Commoners and lords alike meandered around, not paying much heed to each other as they got on with their own business.

"It's amazing," Junia muttered. "The rich and poor living together."

"Behold the archery competition!" a man with a loud voice like a foghorn called. "Winner receives a golden arrow! Located to the first right, down by the field."

"Hear, hear!" some people called.

"Boo," Katana muttered under her breath.

"Look! People are dancing over there," Junia exclaimed, pointing at a cluster of people by a band.

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