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Everything turned to chaos when Filip's dead body was found, people bustling around, calling out questions and rushing to find loved ones. Ulysses struggled to keep everyone from panicking and only Edward seemed to be relaxed, standing with his arms folded, assessing the tower with curiosity. Junia eyed him with disgust, but didn't say anything. Katana did not leave her side while Ulysses argued with Lynne beside the partially burnt tower. The fire hadn't spread far before being tackled, with no deaths and only three injuries. No one knew who had set the fire, only that it had been used as a distraction for someone to assassinate Filip. Lynne was the most distressed and took her anger out on anyone who dared to talk to her. Lucrezia spent most of her time pacing or staring at a spot in the distance as Ulysses continued to try to convince Lynne that he had not been responsible.

"I would like to see the weapon that was used," Katana said to Junia later that day as they watched Cloud run around in circles, the sun shining above them. Any hopes of trust between the West and the South had been destroyed.

Isn't that what Landon or Adebiyi would have wanted? Junia thought, trying to piece it together. The knife had flown in at an angle, suggesting that whoever had done the deed had hidden in the tree nearby; their aim would have had to be exemplary to get such a clean shot . But that did not matter. Whoever had done it was long gone, leaving no hint to who they were.

"Ulysses doesn't have any time to talk to me," Junia frowned.

"Then make him find some," Katana said. "I want to see it. I can stay here with Cloud."

Junia stood with a curt nod before heading to Ulysses' room to carry out Katana's request. She stopped outside the door, hearing Lynne inside. The hallway was empty and she could not help listening in.

"You tell me who killed my husband or I will kill you, I swear to Xaedra!" Lynne was shouting.

"I don't know." Ulysses sounded exasperated.

"What am I supposed to do, then? Go back to the West with nothing? Who will rule them?"


"Listen here. I am not a ruler. I have always been at someone else's side; I am not someone who can take control of an entire state."

"I thought you had a democracy." Ulysses' tone was half-mocking.

"No, we don't. They need a figurehead to take initiative and make the constitution. The senators mostly just advise," Lynne hissed. "Monarchs may share power with a constitutionally organised government, but the government has never ruled alone."

"Then make Edward king."

"He's not even fifteen yet! We already have too many young and inexperienced people on the throne, like you and Landon."

"With all due respect, I am twenty-three," Ulysses responded. Junia could hear the strain in his voice.

"And Landon is a teenager, yet one of the craftiest bastards in the kingdom if this assassination is his doing," Lynne sniped. "Adebiyi, Filip, Lachlan, Lucian... they all ruled the kingdom together at one point. Only one is still alive. I am not having the same happen to either Lucrezia or Edward!"

"Then choose someone else to put on the throne. The West is your problem."

"And so is my family," Lynne said. "Have you ever thought that I don't want the West to have an alliance with the South because I don't want anyone I love getting hurt?"

"In a land of enemies and betrayal, only the strongest can survive. Surely you have heard that quote before. It is very well known," Ulysses said. "It is too late for peace now. We will all lose loved ones—that is the price we will have to pay."

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