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Junia sat with Katana on one side and Edward on the other, Cloud at her feet trying to snatch whatever she could. King Filip and his sister, Lady Lucrezia, were laughing over something, and Edward was making small talk with a lord, but Queen Lynne sat upright in silence, scrutinising the people around her. The Southerners and Westerners seemed to get along, both drinking rowdily and making jokes with each other. It was better than the Northerners, who sat quietly and made the Southerners uncomfortable. Yet Lynne... her demeanour was nothing like a typical Westerner or Southerner. Lynne wasn't quite Northern either; Northerners were careful to hide their feelings, and Lynne didn't bother hiding her distaste. Could she be Eastern? No, her skin was too pale, and her accent wasn't right. Junia puzzled over it until Katana leaned over, poking her in the side to get her attention.

"This is the part where you make a speech to welcome your guests and introduce all the new people to your castle," Katana whispered to Junia, who paled.

"What? Father always did that... I never..."

"Lachlan is dead, and now you're in charge of the castle."

Junia shook her head, whispering back so Edward couldn't hear them. "We don't have to do that this time. We could make an exception..."

"There is no we in this. Just you. You are in charge while Ulysses is away, and it is considered an offence to not make a speech. Do it!"

"You do it!"

Katana laughed. "I'm not a Silverling, am I? I am a Westerling, and a traitor at that."

"You're my cousin."


"What if I faint like I did last time?!?"

"Damn you, Junia, just remember to breathe this time!"

Junia looked at Katana, seeing the sincerity in her eyes.

Do it.

She stood and raised her glass, tapping the back of her knife against it like she had seen her father doing before.

Clink. Clink. Clink.

Conversations faltered. People joined in, raising their own glasses.

Clink. Clink. Clink.

Junia raised a hand and there was the clatter of glasses as all cups went down.

"Welcome," Junia said as loudly as she could. She clenched her jaw to stop herself from crying.

A ruler doesn't cry.

"Wherever you are from—North, South, East, West—I welcome you all."

Her father's traditional opening. She cringed hearing herself say it. It sounded wrong when it came out of her own mouth.

"I would like to welcome our guests from the West for coming all the way down here. I hope you have all rested after your long and weary journey, and hope you will find us hospitable enough," Junia said. "I think we are, at least."

Some nervous laughter. Most people remained quiet as she tried to figure out what to say next. She looked at Katana, who smiled in return.

Father always made sure to note a person's status.

"I would like to especially welcome King Filip and his beautiful wife, Queen Lynne of the West. I am honoured to have them here with us today. I—I would also like to apologise for my brother's absence. He should be back shortly but, in the meantime, I suppose that you'll have to put up with me." Junia smiled nervously. "I hope you all enjoy your meal."

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