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Will seemed confused as she led him toward the town, their wet boots hitting the cobblestones. The town was mostly empty since it was too early in the morning for business, the windows shuttered and the lights mostly off. The only sound around them was their own breathing and the calling of owls.

"Did Luella really...?" Audrey began quietly, unable to help herself.

"Yes," Will replied curtly. From his tone of voice, he was not willing to talk about it, so she did not press him further.

"I had someone like that."

Will turned to her. "Who?"

"Aldric. I didn't think that I would ever care about him, but I did. Everyone I have ever cared for are gone."

His fingers reached for her hand without looking at her and she took it, weaving their fingers together. It felt comforting after so long without human touch except for Landon's cold hands and Alika's care.

She hoped Landon wouldn't punish Alika or Chege for not being able to stop her. She already regretted leaving her fox behind too, but knew that it would have been dangerous to bring Autumn. They had no time to get a fox out, and it would have been too suspicious.

Before she had jumped, she had met eyes with Landon.

"When they betray and discard you, come back to me," he had told her as Will fell below them.

"I will not rule next to a Shadowhart," Audrey had replied before jumping.

She pulled her hood up higher before hurrying down the street, Will behind her with his quiver slung across his back, his bow in his right hand and her hand in his left.

"Where are we going?" Will asked.

"To see an old friend of my brother." Audrey reached the fountain and turned to find a small building labelled: "CALLISTA'S FUTURE FORETELLING".

Audrey knocked and a red-haired figure came to the door. Her red eyes flickered slightly when she saw Will before she reached forward to hug Audrey and kiss her on the cheek.

"Audrey! It's so good to see you again. Come in," the woman said.

"Callista, this is my companion, Will," Audrey acknowledged.

"Welcome, Will." Callista nodded at him.

Audrey had to push him in so that Callista could shut the door and start pulling the curtains closed.

"This is your old friend?" Will asked under his breath when Callista was across the room doing the last few curtains, too far away to hear them.

"My brother's friend," Audrey corrected quietly. Thomas had found Callista fascinating, and would often sneak away from the castle to have tea with the strange fortune teller. "Now shut up."

Will obliged but didn't take his eyes off Callista as she walked over to them.

"So, Audrey, why are you here?" Callista asked.

"We need your help. To get to the South and to my cousins," Audrey explained.

"Ah." Callista nodded. "Come with me."

She led them to the back of the building where there was a small stable with two horses. One was a rich auburn, and the other was a shade of gold.

"This is Bronze and Bolt," Callista introduced. "I can give you one. They are of fine breeding and have been specially trained for speed and stamina."

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