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Audrey watched Giovanni die a week after the trial. He walked to the gallows with his expression fixed, walking in a straight line with a stolid face.

"You are condemned, Giovanni Scapula, to execution for the treasonous act of killing King Kael," a voice called. "Normally, the lives of your family would be forfeit, however King Landon has decided to spare them. You are sentenced to be hung, drawn, and quartered."

"Are you just going to stand here?" Tyrek asked from beside her.

The two of them were standing in the crowds of people, craning their necks to get a better view over the heads of taller people in front. The weather was pleasant that day, much to Audrey's disappointment; it didn't seem right for the sun to be shining and the sky to be blue when a man was going to be hung. Her two guards stood further behind but didn't bother coming too close, keeping within eyesight but not earshot of her. They had dragged her up at dawn that morning to escort her down to Folkridge in a carriage, then left her in the cobbled streets by the gallows. Nobility and their households stood closer to the gallows while the commoners stood further back, separated from the rich by a wall of guards. Audrey was glad they couldn't see her.

"What else can I do?" Audrey asked the seneschal. "I don't have any power here."

Tyrek didn't answer as Giovanni stepped up onto the stage, facing the rope hanging in front of him.

"The brave Giovanni stood up for his sister and will now die for it," Tyrek said quietly, seeming to speak on an impulse.

"We could escape now," Audrey muttered, making sure no one could hear other than him. They were out of Northstone; if she could lose the guards in the maze of the bustling town, she could find a way out.

She still didn't know what she planned to do. Some part of her wanted to just stay with Landon, become his queen and let him deal with everything. It would be the easiest way, but it was also the way of a coward. It wasn't right.

If she wanted to avenge her brother, she had to destroy Landon and become queen by herself.

She had no idea how to do that. She had no experience in ruling; she had been taught how to make small talk, put on a stoic face, and hide her thoughts. As for leading—the thought seemed too large for her to comprehend.

She could start an internal coup, but one word to the wrong lord would result in being caught. She could escape and try to raise an army, but who would rally to the call of a young princess?

Just marry Landon, some part of her whispered.

He's a killer, another part said.

So are you, she reminded herself.

She dug her nails into her palms to cut out the conflicting voices. Focusing on the pain of her sharp nail digging into her flesh, pushing deeper and deeper, was better than having to argue with herself. She wished that someone would tell her what to do, but everyone had their own motives and she found it harder and harder to trust the word of others. She had only herself to trust, and yet even her own mind seemed a fickle and dangerous thing.

Tyrek just smiled. "Another time, another place. Only now you see sense, princess."

"Do you forgive me?" The executioner had a rough and gravelly voice.

Giovanni nodded in a show of self-control that Audrey couldn't help admiring. Usually, people started shrieking and cursing the gods at that customary question.

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