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Ethelind reclined on a plush armchair, facing Kael as he leaned forward on his seat, staring into space. The room they were in was spacious but designed austerely with only one window and little decoration—the most notable things were two armchairs facing a hearth guarded by two stone wolves, and a faded tapestry on the wall. By the heavy doors, two men of the King's Guard stood, their cold composures unwavering. Kael had replaced Lucian's Guard with some of his own most trusted men, but Ethelind still felt uncomfortable while two of them were there to hear every word spoken.

Everyone can be bought somehow.

The King's Guard comprised of nine men, led by a captain who wore a gold crown on his cloak to distinguish him from the silver crowns of the other eight. Ethelind knew Kael had chosen Jax as captain—he was the youngest of the guard, but also the most skilled. The other eight were less relevant, but all chosen for their military prowess and obedience.

She was curious to know how many of them she could take down in a fight.

She unsheathed the sword that Kael had given to her and laid it across her lap. The estoc had a sturdy build with a pommel made of black polished stone. She had named it Silence, and felt a certain thrill run through her every time she touched it. It reminded her she was finally out of her cell. It reminded her she wasn't helpless anymore.

If she had escaped with Audrey, she would have been trapped again. Escaping would not have benefited Ethelind, and giving Audrey in was the easiest way to convince Kael of her loyalty; it was a sacrifice she had made in self-preservation.

"You're the girl's cousin. Is that right?" Kael asked abruptly, cutting into her thoughts.

Ethelind nodded, not looking up. She didn't need to ask who he meant. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Kael didn't reply.

"Will you harm her?" Ethelind asked.

"Only if she doesn't comply."

Ethelind sighed. "Audrey is only sixteen."

"And you are twenty now, am I correct? You aren't that much older than her."

Ethelind had only been eighteen when Lucian had thrown her into a cell, and the thought of it frustrated her to no end. She had lost two years of her life in Lucian's dungeons as a prisoner of war.

She ran a finger down Silence's blade, feeling the sharp metal prick her skin. A bead of red balled under the pressure as she pricked her skin. "I am. Yet I have still lived longer."

"There are people who have lived long with the wits of a pig," Kael retorted.

"Sure." Ethelind shrugged. "But people rarely live long if they don't have their wits about them."

"Tell me honestly. Who do you fight for?"

"Myself," Ethelind replied, looking up from her new sword.

"Thought so."

Ethelind smiled. "Ah, so you know me?"

Kael examined her in silence for a moment. "Perhaps not. It would be a lot easier if I did, however."

"On the contrary, it's better if no one knew my motives and thoughts. It makes me harder to kill."

"It also can make powerful people doubt your loyalty," Kael warned.

"Then that powerful person is right in doing so," Ethelind replied in the same tone.

"Be honest with me, Ethelind." He sighed. "Few loved Lucian. Yet, they despise me. With Lucian, he was king by inheritance. They didn't love him, but they admired and respected him enough to put their swords up and life down for him when he went to war. He was a just ruler with a clear sense of duty. He was meant to be king of the North, and I was meant to be king of the South. The Southerners care little for usurpers, so it was easy for Lachlan to claim their state, but for me... the Northerners are unforgiving, and I took the North with force, my only claim being that I watched Lucian die with my own eyes. Already, I can see the stirrings of conflict within these walls between my men and Lucian's. Do you think I can keep this crown?"

Ethelind hesitated but chose not to lie. "No. Unless you can get the people to like you. Lucian was a strict ruler and hung many for their crimes, yet the Northerners were always fed and had wood for the fire. No one has forgotten the horrors of the Development Years; the Northerners were loyal to him because they knew he was strong and would never let them fall into anarchy again. He only joined the Southern War at the Battle of Bloodfield Bay when he knew he could win, sparing his men from the bloodshed of the previous battles. Some Northerners are going down to Teravardi Castle in the South to join Ulysses, Lachlan's son, so they can throw you off your new throne. And let me say now, Ulysses is angry with you, and his intentions are of war. However, he will not attack yet, I wager. He is a boy, from what I've heard. He will not know war like you do."

"How do you know they are joining Ulysses?" Kael asked, frowning.

"I sent a young girl to the village. She collected some information before coming back and reporting to me," Ethelind replied.

"Tell me about this girl."

"She works in the kitchens. I think her name is Iris," Ethelind said. "A pretty thing... could become an excellent spy."

Kael nodded. "Later on, send her to me."

"Of course, Your Majesty."

"Which lords have pledged fealty?" Kael stood and paced, head bowed and hands tucked behind his back.

"Lady Hill has surrendered her castle to you, and Edison Greenborn has also given up his services. Rutea, Astinar, and Barillo are on the cusp of surrendering, and Bracken, Sunfield, and Saiyard are on their way. But, unfortunately, I received a falcon from His Grace, Thomas Greywell, from his seat at Clearwater Castle. A powerful Northern noble who tells you to, I quote, 'fuck off'." Ethelind shrugged. "Damek Westerling hasn't even deigned to reply."

Kael gritted his teeth.

"Send a letter to every noble in the North demanding that they surrender, or I will take their castles myself and burn them to dust," Kael spat out.

"How harsh, Your Majesty. As you say." Ethelind would change the wording slightly to be more appealing, but he didn't need to know that.

"I want you to hire more men to guard the Northern border. Men we can trust. I need the borders secured. Only traders from the West and East should be allowed in, and anyone going to the South or coming in need to be questioned and searched." He was pacing even more quickly, Ethelind noted.

"Men?" Ethelind raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, don't play with me." Kael exhaled, stopping his pacing abruptly. "We're not in the West or Free Isles where anyone can frolic around with a sword and proclaim themselves a fighter. I will not be putting forward reform for women to be soldiers. Maybe later, but now is not the right time."

But I am still a woman with a sword. She stood, sheathing Silence, and turned to leave. Just as she grabbed the door handle, she spun around to face him again.

"What purpose do you want me to play in this?" she asked.

"I would like you to serve as an adviser until I can gather a council. Then I'll give you a title, I suppose."

"Yet don't you distrust my loyalty?" Ethelind challenged.

Kael smiled wryly. "Perhaps that is what I like about you." He assessed her for a moment. "Ethelind, you should be wed. You are twenty, and I have seen plenty of suitable men looking your way."

"Someday, perhaps." Ethelind paused for a moment. "But, for now, I will not live under the watch of some man. I plan to fight my battles on a field, not in a labouring bed."

When he didn't respond, she bowed and left the room.

As always, thank you so much for reading, you're all amazing mwah

Love you all,
Shelly M xx

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