Chapter 20 - Isabelle

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I woke up at the sound of Stephens voice coming from Damon's room. Something about a woman named Isabelle showing up at their front door. I sighed getting up seeing as I didn't want to go back to sleep. I grabbed a black robe hanging on the back of the door and walked out rubbing my eyes.
"Why is she here?"
Damon asked walking down the stairs
"I don't know she just showed up at the front door. That's what I'm gonna find out"
Stephen said
"What's going on?"
I asked walking down the stairs
"Elena's real mom and Allaric's wife showed up at her door last night out of the blue just wanting to 'talk' Elena shut the door in her face. Not a friend"
Damon said and as They walked down the hall Katherine stopped them
"I don't think you should tell Isabelle I'm here"
Katherine said with a hand on her hip
"What why?"
Stephen asked
"Because I don't want her or John to know I'm still in town. I was supposed to leave once I was out of the tomb remember?"
Katherine said crossing her arms
"So? Aren't you in kahoots with them?You made the deal with John which almost got me killed"
Damon said crossing his arms as I caught up with them.
"I did what I had to to get out of the tomb. Now I'm reconsidering my alliance" she said rolling her eyes turning her back to us.
"Katherine if you know something just say it so they can make her leave"
I said crossing my arms
"I want to avoid Klaus. Which puts me on team you. And aside from that if you want me to keep pretending to be Elena it'd be better if nobody knew I was here. Come on Stephen be smart about this." 

Katherine said taking a step closer to Stephen with a smirk. Damon rolled his eyes in annoyance. Stephen looked over to Damon and I and and smirked.  

"Tell you What, why don't you call Alaric and tell him his wife just showed up on his girlfriends doorstep"

Stephen said to Damon before grabbing his jacket and walking off.
Damon and I exchanged looks with Katherine before we went separate ways. I went back to my room and showered before changing.
My outfit

Once I walked out I applied makeup like Katherine had showed me and brushed my hair

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Once I walked out I applied makeup like Katherine had showed me and brushed my hair. That's when I heard a light knock on my door
"It's open"
I said turning and seeing Damon
"Hey wanna come with me to that dead witches  apartment? Bonnie and Jeremy are gonna meet me there"
Damon said. I raised a brow
"Why do you want me to go?"
I asked titling my head to the side. He shrugged. 
"To help grab the spell books and to help Bonnie harness this witch power"
Damon said smirking. I shrugged grabbing my jacket and slipping it on. With that I walked out the door with Damon. We drove into town and stopped at some apartment complex as Damon called it. Once we got out of the car Damon was walking up to two people standing on the sidewalk.
"Who's this?"
Bonnie asked
"The girl from last night? Who put the fires out at the bar and fixed the lights ? Her name is Jessika. She's ironically Klaus' ex girlfriend but she's on our team. He ruined her life like countless others"
Damon said that last part bitterly. Bonnie looked at me then held out her hand. I took it to shake and I could feel her trying to read my soul.
"I'd appreciate it if my life was kept just that. Mine"
I said pushing back with my power and she instantly let go.
"You can either trust me or don't. But don't think you can violate my soul just to be sure"
I said crossing my arms.
"Sorry I just..find it hard to believe that with all the problems we're having with Klaus lately, and an ex of his wants to help us. He wants to kill Elena to break his curse why would you be on our side?"
She asked crossing her arms
"Because I hate him. Now shall we go or are you going to continue this because it's growing rather irritating"
I said crossing my arms. Bonnie glared at me
"You make one wrong move-"
Damon stepped in front of me
"Bonnie that's really not a good idea. She's extremely powerful..she's more powerful than Klaus. Be thankful she's on our side okay?"
Damon said glancing back to me. I crossed my arms and sighed. I hated using my powers against people but nobody will disrespect me for the trail of enemies Nick has formed for himself.  I had nothing to do with that. I was locked away while he so clearly turned into a monster over the years in my absence. 
"M-more powerful than Klaus?"
Jeremy asked in shock
"She's witch vampire and locked up werewolf so I suggest we keep this alliance before Klaus convinces her to kill every one of us and not be able to stop her"
Damon said looking at the two of them. I shook my head looking up at the sky. Even if they did make me mad, I'd still never ally with Klaus.. he didn't care about me..he never has.. it was just an act to get what he wanted.. and he succeeded.. only for me to suffer in pain and agony for 1000 years...
"Can we please just go inside already? I'm getting bored"
I sighed rolling my eyes.
Bonnie nodded
"Yeah, I'm sorry Jessika it's just we've been betrayed a lot"
Bonnie said as we walked into the building
"It's alright but all I ask is for a Chance"
I said crossing my arms. She nodded as we reached the elevators
"What is that?"
I asked with wife eyes
"It's an elevator. You'll be fine come on"
Damon said taking my hand and pulling me in
The doors closed on their own and I started to feel my body going up at a fast pace
"This is so weird"
I said with a frown. Damon smirked
"You'll get used to it"
He said patting my head. I swatted his hand with a scowl and he chucked. The whole room made a ding noise and the doors opened to reveal a floor. The four of us stepped out and I looked out the window seeing we were high up now.
I said in wonder.
"Hey, cave girl, come on"
Damon said. I sped over to him in annoyance
"That's very rude we did not live in caves! We lived in huts"
I said blushing. He smirked
"Relax. You're too tense I'm just kidding with you. Lighten up"
He said smirking. I rolled my eyes
"All this new stuff is just overwhelming is all"
I said biting my lip
"Well this is only day 2 for you. You have plenty of time to adjust"
He said as we stopped at a door
Damon opened it and pushed his hand through
"Yyyuuupp,  every bodies dead"
Damon said walking in. We soon followed him
"We should pack up the grimwars. They spent years collecting them. I want to make sure they're safe"
Bonnie said as I looked at the charred body on the floor.
"You know we could just get another match and cremate em"
Damon said looking around then down to Bonnie with a smirk. Bonnie glared at him. 
"Don't be disrespectful...not to him"
Bonnie said looking down at the corpse on the floor.
"Fine. I'll bury him"
Damon said picking up a blanket and covering him.
"What are we looking for?"
Jeremy asked looking around the place
"According to Luka's dad one of these contains a spell that will allow me to harness the power of a witch at the spot where they died violently" 

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