Chapter 3 - 10 Years Later

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I was 21 now.
The werewolves are becoming a serious problem recently...
Every full moon they come out and hunt....
No matter what it is..
They'll kill and eat it.....
We all grew older in the village...
Tatia married a war hero and she had a child with this man.
I had gotten even closer to Niklaus and Elijah... They seemed to be my closest friends...
well Tatia too. She was my girl best friend. I have grown feelings for Niklaus but the more I felt for Niklaus, the more he felt for Tatia...
He would always go leave to hang out with Tatia while her husband was at war...
Elijah wanted Tatia...I wanted Niklaus...
We bonded over that...sometimes more than we ever should have...
My life after this will forever never be the same...
That day was a very bad day but it started like this...

I was braiding Rebekah's hair when I heard swords clashing
"Done!" I said smiling. Rebekah smiled feeling her new braids when she jumped up.
"Come on Henrik, Jessika! Sounds like Niklaus and Elijah are fighting again!"
Rebekah said laughing.
I smiled and ran off, following her. We ran up to them and saw they were going at it with swords and sparring.
Elijah saw me and smiled, Niklaus looked over and smiled at me as well
"Oh look the ladies have watch my fast approaching victory"
Elijah said winking to me.
I blushed and giggled looking away.
Niklaus gave Elijah a look for the wink I just received.
"On the contrary brother"
Niklaus charged at Elijah and swung his blade at him again.
Elijah quickly defended with his own blade. I looked over to my left and saw Esther and Mikael coming. They were actually both smiling, watching the two brothers fight. Niklaus then cut Elijah's belt and smirked as it dropped to the ground. Mikael frowned the second Niklaus did that.
"They've come to laugh at you"
Niklaus said smirking.
Elijah smirked as well while Rebekah and I giggled. Henrik laughed. I smiled over at Henrik and roughled his hair.
"One day you shall be that good Henrik"
I said
"You think so?"
He asked and I smiled with a giggle.
"Of course! You are a Mikaelson after all"
I said happily.
"Calm down Mikael they were just having some fun"
I heard Esther say.
My heart race picked up as We all looked and saw Mikael was very displeased now....
~Here we go~
I thought nervously biting my lip.
"That is precisely my problem"
Mikael said and marched over to them.
Mikael reached out for Elijah's sword....
He reluctantly gave it to him.
Elijah slowly backed over to where we were and Niklaus just looked nervous.
"So!...Why don't you teach me that trick... young warrior"
Mikael said holding up the sword now.
Mikael swung his blade at Niklaus full force and Niklaus held up his sword to block it.
"Father we were just having fun"
Niklaus said nervously.
"We fight for our survival..and you fight for fun?!I wanna have fun! Teach me!Come on!" Mikael yelled
"Father it was nothing"
Niklaus said sadly but Mikael lost it and started swinging his blade at Niklaus mercilessly. Niklaus did his best to dodge every one but on the third swing Mikael knocked Niklaus' sword out of his hand and shoved him to the ground, putting his sword to Niklaus' throat.
"You are foolish and impulsive my boy.What?! No more laughter?!"
Mikael yelled
"You've made your point Mikael"
Esther finally said.
Non of us dared to move...fear of being next... Mikael yelled in anger, stabbing the sword in the ground next to Niklaus' head.
"Some days it's a miracle you're still alive...boy"
Mikael said and stalked off...
I ran over to Niklaus. I could feel Elijah's lingering eyes on me
"Niklaus are you alright?"
I asked worriedly, touching his arm gently.
"I'm fine"
He said getting up, brushing me off.
He then stormed off.
I watched sadly.
I just wanted to comfort him...
I wanted to be there for him...
but he just...
wasn't interested...
"Come on...let's go to the river"
Elijah said putting his arm around my shoulder and walking off.....
I was throwing rocks in the lake now, watching them skip.
"Forgive me for being so bold but...Are you in love with my brother Jessika?"
Elijah asked as he watched me lost in my own head
"Huh? Oh...I don't know.Niklaus is my best friend....but..Tatia never has time for me any more with her husband and all I have is you and Niklaus to talk to in confidence...but Niklaus.... he holds such a deep place in my heart and yet...he doesn't even see me...why... I mean I know my beauty does not hold a candle to Tatia but am I not pretty Elijah? He acts as though I'm just another...another boy"
I said sadly.
Elijah gently grabbed my chin and made me look at him...
Our faces were close together
"You are so beautiful... if my brother does not see that...then he is a fool..."
He said
Before I could even pull away...
Elijah's lips were on mine.
I was shocked at first but kissed back..then my brain kicked in and I pushed him away.
I said with a hand in front of my mouth, still in shock.
"If my brother will not give you the love you deserve..then let it be me are a beautiful woman...I would gladly go to war for least think about it?"
Elijah asked kissing my hand.
Elijah was such a handsome man..
but listening to my heart...
it only sang for Niklaus' touch....
little did I know I was being watched...
"I shall think about it..but Elijah...Niklaus...I truly believe I'm in love with him"
I said honestly.
"I suggest you tell Niklaus how you feel...and if there is a time where it is not meant to be.. I shall wait for you"
Elijah said helping me stand.After that we parted way and went to our homes...
I went to sleep very confused that night...

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