Chapter 12 - Becoming Royals

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(Count's castle)
We followed the man into the party, the man we now knew to be Lucian. We saw a man sitting at a throne
"There. You see the Count of Montel?You will adress him as your Grace and all the nobles as Mi Lord. And when you speak to the count you should speak of hunting. He loves his hawks and his hounds...and um..bow deep..ladies he also...enjoys a healthy cleavage"
Lucian said awkwardly. I blushed looking up in embarrassment.
I crossed my arms with annoyance.
"You are not to bow that deep"
Nik said dangerously to me. I looked back with a fake glare
"Niklaus it's cleavage I am not sleeping with him. If we are to stay here comfortably and unsuspecting we must do as Lucian says"
I said blushing with annoyance. We started looking up at the ceiling at the beautiful paintings. Lucian looked back at us and sighed
"For god's sake would you all stop looking up"
Lucian whispered. We all looked back awkwardly. Lucian fixed Kol's hair so it wasn't hanging infront of him.
"Touch me again, and I'll tear your arm straight off"
Kol whispered
"Behave Kol or I will bury you in the ground to rot"
Fin said said sternly but quietly
"This isn't going to work is it"
Rebeckah said making me laugh a little
"A savage family of blood sucking killers trying to pose as royals?Oh yes, this is most definitely going to work"
I said sarcastically. Rebekah gave me an annoyed look. I smirked as we approached the Count.
"Just speak as we both look lovely tonight"
Lucius said smiling at us. Rebekah and I smiled back
"Thank you"
I said smiling but gasped as Nik pulled me back to him
"A moment please"
Nik said and Rebekah and Luciun carried on.
"Are you worried?"
I asked with raised brows as he, Elijah and I walked slowly to the Count
"We have placed our lives in the hands of a stranger"
Elijah said looking at us
"It'll be fine...he knows that we can kill him and anyone else in this place"
I said smirking. Lucian bowed to the Count
"Lucian, you were sent to fetch the cont de queze"
the count said
<A/N:idfk what he just said>

"Indesposed, your grace...gout...may I present his children. The Lords, Fin, Nicklaus, Elijah, and Kol, also the lovely ladies Rebekah, and Jessika"
Lucian said. We all looked at him with nervousness.
"Your father never mentioned you in all of our dealings"
The count said and for a moment we were all silent, not sure what to say but thankfully, Elijah stepped up
"Yes, your grace, do forgive us. Father was forever distant with his travels and uh, we were actually raised by his servants. However, I do know that Father would consider it a glorious honor that we should be introduced to society by your noble hand, your grace"
Elijah said bowing.

"Your grace, I look forward to hearing tales of your hunting escapades.May I present Jessica, my fiance, and our lovely sister, Rebeckah"
Nik said smiling as he held a hand out for the count to bring his attention to us. I smiled awkwardly. Rebecka and I smiled, stepping up to him
"An honor,your grace. I am Jessika Marie Gounouf"
I said bowing low enough for him to see my cleavage. I blushed seeing he was looking hard. Nik's fist clenched but he knew this is what had to be done to be accepted in.
Rebeckah introduced herself as well and bowed even lower. The Count was hypnotized by her clevage.
We both said smirking. The Count smirked back.
So the party went on and Nik and I were slow dancing.
"I feel as though we haven't really had enough time for us my love"
I said as he spun me and then brought me close..
"I promise that will change when we have our own room tonight..we can bathe and then you will be mine"
Nik said smirking.
"Ooo and what shall you do to me Niklaus"
I purred to him with a smirk. He smirked and leaned in my ear to whisper. I could feel his hot breath on mine and a blush crept to my cheeks.
"I shall give you featherlight kisses from head to toe then I'll ravage your body until you're crying my name"
he said then kissed my neck before pulling back. I was breathless, trying to find my bearings as the words he just spoke were making me melt. 
"I love you"
I said smiling
"I love you too"
He said kissing me. I kissed back happily, wrapping my arms around his neck. After a while Nik and I started to mingle, eventually we got seperated in the craziness of the party but after a couple drinks, I was walking around with Rebekah.I stopped, seeing Nik and Lucian staring off at something. I followed their gaze and saw a woman with red auburn hair.
"Who is that?"
I asked with confusion
"From what I've heard that's the count's son Tristan, and daughter, Aurora" Rebekah said unimpressed. I bit my lip worried of the way Niklaus stared at her...

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