Chapter 31 - Leaving Mystic Falls

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Klaus, Stephan and I were in a werehouse, with 4 different coffins...

"They're all in here Niklaus?"

I asked with wide eyes

"Yes love. When the time is right, I will free them all and we can be a family again. There are just things that I have to do and they're in the way or constantly betraying me. I can't have that. Not now"

Klaus said looking over to me then looked back down at Elijah's grey body in the coffin

"And now you are with our family, Elijah"

Klaus said before closing the casket. He looked at the two unfamiliar men, waiting for Klaus' comand.

"Put him with the others. We're leaving town"

Klaus said as he walked up to me. I looked back hearing Stephan's phone going off. 

"So...Jessika did you make it in time?"

Klaus asked me grabbing me by the waist and pulling me a bit closer. I glared at him

"Just barely..he was about to die as I arrived...but he'll be alright now"

I said looking from him to Stephan. 

"You won't be seeing her again, you know"

Stephan said in a dull tone

"Because she's on vervain. I've been around a long time, Stephan. I rarely get played for a fool. Besides, she won't go'll help me see to that"

Klaus said smirking. 

"Wouldn't it be easier if Jessika did a tracking spell?"

Stephan asked. Klaus looked to me with raised brows, then smirked as I slowly turned my head to glare at Stephan

"You just..throw me under the bus after what I just did for your brother? Really?"

I asked titling my head

"She has a point, but the thing is, I didn't make Jessika come to do my bidding, no that's what you're here for..I simply wanted her company"

Klaus said shrugging. Stephan slowly walked up to Klaus

"What is it you really want from me?"

Stephan asked. Klaus put a hand on Stephan's shoulder

"All will be explained in time once we leave this tragic little town"

Klaus said smirking

"Then are we done here?Can we go?"

Stephan asked 

"Not quite. You see, I have a gift for you"

Klaus said to both mine and Stephan's confusion. Klaus turned and a girl came out

"Come here, sweetheart. Don't be afraid"

Klaus said and the girl walked up. 


I asked concerned

"See I wanna make sure you honor our deal...that you'll be of use to me"

Klaus said and bit her once. I closed my eyes and then looked away. 

"I could have compelled her to behave, but a real ripper enjoys the hunt"

Klaus said smirking and then let her go. The girl screamed and ran off. Stephan looked shook.. he didn't know what to do...


I looked up at him sadly. He looked to me for help but I shook my head

"Just don't make her suffer...just do it"

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