Chapter 17 - The Salvatores

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So she took me to this huge mansion type lodge. When the car stopped she opened the door and walked around letting me out.
"Welcome to The Salvatore Lodge"
She said smirking as I got out and began to follow her. When she walked in without knocking I went to walk in but stopped
"I need to be invited in"
I said dryly, crossing my arms.
She rolled her eyes
"Forgot about that. Damon!"
She called.
I thought confused until a tall, blue eyed beauty with raven black hair walked up to me
"Uhhh Katherine? Who's this?"
Damon asked
"My freedom. And your ticket to getting me far far away from this crappy town. Now let her in"
Katherine said annoyed.
"Okay, clearly you're not gonna tell me. Hi. Damon Salvatore and just who the hell are you?"
He asked suspiciously. I smirked with a raised brow.
"I take it Katherine has crossed you before. Well, I'm here for a shower. If I could take one I'll reveal all to you. I'm dirty and I've been in a box underwater for a thousand years. A shower, as she calls it, is very over do"
I said looking up at him. He sighed looking back at Katherine.
"Well come in I guess"
he said moving to the side
I said simply, walking in. The place was beautiful.
"Well I guess I'll show you to the bathroom"
Damon said unenthusiastically.
"Thanks again"
I said emotionless as I looked around. I had a bag of clothes in my hand.
When he showed me to the shower I stared in confusion. He looked at my face
"You don't know how to use a shower do you?"
He asked. I shook my head
"Last time I was breathing was 1000 years ago"
I said. He gave me a shocked look
"1000 years?! Who are you?"
He asked eyeing me suspiciously. I smirked and patted his cheek gently.
"In due time. I'm very over due for a cleaning so if you don't mind?Hows this work?"
I asked looking to the shower.
"Right but how do I know you're not like sent here by Klaus to come kill us all and take Elena?"
He asked crossing his arms.
I rolled my eyes
"Look, I hate Klaus, Elena? No idea who the bloody hell that is. I've been in a casket under water for 1000 years and nobody! I mean nobody! Even tried to find me! Not elijah! Not Rebekah and especially not Niklaus! He betrayed me! And you think I'd do his bidding?! He can go to hell for all I care! And if you ask me anything about turning my humanity off it's because for one moment I'd just like to get through the day without crying! I just want a bloody shower Damon!"
I yelled angrily. Damon made a face that screamed
He sighed nodding his head
"Right. Sorry. Welcome back, so uh..This is hot, this is cold, pull this up once you found the perfect temp and shower. Shampoo is for your hair, conditioner is to moisturize your hair and I think body wash is self explanatory. Here's an extra loofa you can use. Good?"
He asked quickly. I nodded my head paying attention to his instructions, as to not forget.
I sat on the edge of the bath and played with the temperatures until I found the right warmth. I pulled the tab up and water sprayed out from the top
I said smirking. He smirked back
"Yeah, gotta love the 21st century. Well I'll leave you to it. Sorry for the accusations. We've been betrayed a lot and it all stems from Klaus"
He said. I turned my head to look at him
"He's just...not the man I loved anymore. From what I've heard he's just the shell of the man I knew and he is without a doubt a monster. A child who's been given powers to play with and does what he wants to get what he wants. That's no man of mine.. nor one I would side with"
I said coldly. Damon smiled and walked back over to me
"Welcome back to the world of the living Jess, can I call you Jess?"
He asked with a raised brow. I smiled
"If I'm to learn to become modern,I should make my name more modern too. You may call me Jess but I wish to learn to.. fit in with this century"
I said and he scoffed with a smirk
"Easy, we just like to use slang and party more. I'll show you later one when I'm not trying to figure out where a couple hundred witches were massacred"
He said and with that turned on his heel closing the door.
~Damon Salvatore...~
I thought then smirked
"Hm, cute"
I said giggling. I stripped naked and stepped in letting the water hit me. This felt better than any bath I've ever had. I looked down at the shower shelves and saw bottles. I picked one up and it read
"Strawberries and cream shampoo. For healthy beautiful hair. Perfect"
I said. I opened the cap and put some in my hair and began to lather. I found matching body wash and washed my body too. Suddenly I heard the door open
"It's just me, I thought you might want a razor to shave some unwanted body hair. And just a heads up, most girls shave from the pits down now a days"
She said handing me a small little thing with razor blades on them
I asked simply.
"You just take it and shave the hair off but don't press down hard. It's sharp" she said making me nod. I started with my legs to get the feel of a razor. Once I felt I had it down I shaved from the pits down. I was honestly relieved girls did that now a days because hair was just a pain in the ass.
Once I was shaved and clean I stepped out and grabbed a towel.
I looked at myself in the mirror. All I saw was an old version of me I no longer wished to see.
I called as I stood in front of the mirror with a towel rapped around my body. She came in and leaned on the door
"What is it?"
She asked in a bored tone
"Can you cut my hair? This just won't do. I look like the old, pathetic gullible me. That girl is dead and will remain dead. I want a whole new look. Maybe a few inches, shoulder length maybe?"
I asked looking to her with a smirk
"I'll give you a fade with your bangs too"
She said and had me sit down on the toilet.
She grabbed some scissors and I felt so much lighter seeing all the hair that had been chopped off. She took my bangs in her fingers and began to cut at a downward slant to the right. After that she looked at me and smirked
"I didn't think you could get any hotter, but I was wrong. You might wanna just rinse off your body to get the cut strands off of your body though"
She told me. I nodded and hopped back in. After 5 minutes I came back out and dressed in the outfit she gave me before.
(See previous chapter)
My hair just passed my shoulders, my hair was now what Katherine called, layered.
"This is perfect. Thanks Katherine"
I said smirking
"Anytime.Now let me do your makeup"
She said smirking. I nodded and closed my eyes. After 20 minutes, she showed me my face in a mirror.
I looked like this

I smirked looking myself in the mirror"I think I'm going to like this time very

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I smirked looking myself in the mirror
"I think I'm going to like this time very..very much"
I said standing up.
"Now. How about we go talk to Damon over a blood bag because he's been driving me nuts with questions"
Katherine said. I nodded
"Fine. If I'm to stay here then some questions should be answered"
I said and with that, we walked down stairs.
"What chya up to?"
Katherine asked smirking. Damon looked to me and smiled.
"Hey Jess oh and Non of your business"
Damon replied in a bored tone looking at me then Katherine. She smirked at him as she threw me a blood bag. I took it and began to slurp down the delicious liquid as I sat on their couch, watching the banter between the two with amusement.
"We're pouting now?"
Katherine asked smirking
"Well considering I agreed to bring a stranger into the house that is suspiciously as old as Klaus, I figured it's probably a sign I should look harder to save Elena, on the contrary she told me enough to let my guard down around her but you? Not so much"
Damon said with attitude. I raised a brow
"I am no threat to you. Unless of course you betray me"
I said crossing my arms.
"Are those the Gilbert journals?"
Katherine asked looking at Damon pulling journals out from boxes
"How am I supposed to help you if you won't tell me what you're up to?"
Katherine asked.
"Can you tell me where a couple hundred witches were massacred a couple centuries ago?"
Damon asked not once looking at her. She made a 'good point' face.
She said confused
"Then you can't help"
Damon said. Katherine sighed making a grab for a journal, and Damon slapped her hand. She smacked his hand in return. Damon then used his vampire speed and pinned her down to the piano seat. She smirked
"If it's any consolation, I'm glad you're not dead"
Katherine said smirking. I clicked my tongue growing tired of the two and walked over, looking through the journal.
"May I ask why you're looking for a place where a couple hundred witches were massacred? Is someone trying to harness that power?"
I asked with a raised brow as I began to look at the journal myself. Damon used his vamp speed and snatched the book from my hands. I smirked at that.
"Maybe. What's it to you?"
He asked eyeing me. I giggled heartlessly.
"Well I'm a witch silly boy. I can just track it down"
I said shrugging.
"How? Bonnie can't do that"
Damon said. I raised a brow then looked to Katherine
I questioned
"Doppelgänger Elena's witchy friend Bonnie Bennett. They're looking for the witches so she can harness enough power to kill Klaus before he kills their precious Elena"
Katherine said smirking.
"I see. Well that is a tough one. You'll have to give me some time"
I said and held up a blood bag
"And more food please"
I said smiling
"That's it? You just..want more blood bags in exchange for helping us find the one thing that could kill your ex boyfriend?"
Damon asked in disbelief. I shrugged my shoulder
"He doesn't concern me anymore. I could care less about this Elena girl, however at the Current time I've got nowhere else to go and I should become useful in exchange for your hospitality"
I said snatching the journal back and sitting on the couch
"Now be a good boy and fetch me some blood"
I said smirking. He glared for a minute but then sighed and walked away
"Damn. You'll have to teach me your ways"
Katherine said smirking as she sat down next to me.

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