Chapter 4 - To Love and Be Loved

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(Next day - Morning)
"Mother I'm going to see Rebekah!"
I said and left.
I no longer waited for approval.
I walked over to their home and was greeted first by Elijah
"Hello are you"
He said as he leaned against the door
"I am doing fine..and yourself?"
I asked never breaking eye contact
"This may come a bit bold...but I would...really like to kiss you right now..I could not stop thinking about the first kiss we shared before we left the pond last night"
Elijah said. I blushed but looked down sadly.
" know I do have love for have been there for me in the last 3 years then anybody has ever been there...but my belongs to Niklaus"
I said sadly. Elijah clicked his tongue in annoyance.
"He has not shown you any attention since you were 18...I believe it is time we both move o-" "FATHER!"
We heard Niklaus screaming.
Rebekah, Elijah and I all went out into the clearing.
Niklaus was running back to the house with their brother Henrik...
bloody and dead in his arms
I whispered with wide eyes.
Esther came out and gasped seeing Henrik's dead body lying on the ground.
Niklaus was crying trying to hold himself together.
I cried and hugged him. He cried on my shoulder
"!What happened?!"
Esther asked on her knees by Henrik
"The wolves....I'm sorry I'm so sorry...."
Niklaus said crying more.
"We must save him"
Esther said desperately.
Later than night Esther and Mikael has a private meeting with another witch in our village, Ayana kneeled over Henrik.
"Please!There must be a way!"
Esther said desperately
Ayana placed her hand on Henrik's forehead.
"The spirits will not give us a way Esther...your boy is gone..."
Ayana said sadly.
Esther said but there was nothing we could do....
Niklaus kept crying as we waited outside the hut.
I pulled him close
I said sadly.
That night we sent Henrik's body off to the ocean...
We placed copper pieces on his eyes...and Mikael shot an arrow of fire once Henrik's body was out far enough, and set Henrik's body on fire....we all cried together...
Tatia was there too with her husband and daughter to show support for Henrik's death.......
A couple weeks flew by and after the death of Henrik...
Niklaus and I started to hang out like we used to...
Niklaus and I were in the woods. I had a bow and arrow about to kill a deer
"You know a woman should not be hunting" Niklaus said smirking.
"Oh please Niklaus. If I want to hunt I shall day I may have to take care of myself and I would like to learn how to do it"
I said and shot the arrow. Killing the deer, as the arrow went through it's throat.
"You would never have to take care of know one day you're going to marry a man that is right for you"
Niklaus said. I leaned on a tree
"If I do decide to marry...I would have to only marry for love not just someone who knows me..Inside and out..who would protect me yet at the same time let me protect myself..someone who is fierce...loyal always.. and who shall love me...forever and always"
I said smiling up at the y'all trees letting in some sun.
Niklaus said pressing me up against a tree.
I said allowing anything he were to do to me at that moment.
"I heard you and Elijah you really... love me?"
Niklaus asked. My heart began to race
" heard that?"
I asked in fear
"Yes...worry not...I love you too"
Niklaus said. A tear fell
"Really? truly love me too?"
I asked with more hope in my heart then I have ever felt before.
"Of're my best have been with me through everything... how could I not fall in love with you"
Niklaus said inches away from my face
"But...I thought you only fancied Tatia?"
I asked biting my lip.
"Tatia is married. I can no longer hope for anything else..I feel rather foolish..I haven't the faintest idea why it took me so long to realize.... how incredibly amazing.. brave,fierce and beautiful you truly are"
Niklaus said and I smiled
"Probably because you looked at me as a best friend...and nothing more...and now?"
I wanted to hear it again...I wanted to be sure before I gave myself fully to him
"Now I wish to kiss every inch of your body and call you mine"
Niklaus said smirking mischievously.
My heart thundered in my chest.
I kissed Niklaus deep with so much emotion...I had been waiting for this moment for so long... Niklaus kissed me back and lifted me up against the tree so my arms and legs were wrapped around him.
"I wish to make you mine Jessika"
Niklaus said making my blush deepen.
"I'll never say no to you Niklaus"
I said with my hands on both of his cheeks. He smiled and kissed me again. He easily lied me down on the ground, on top of the leaves and that night Niklaus and I became one...
After we finished, I lied there, clothed again, but staring up at the sky with Niklaus.
"Does this mean you wish to marry me?"
I asked with hope. He smiled, kissing my forehead.
"It means I wish to be with you forever and always, my love"
He said kissing me again. I smiled in the kiss then sat up to look at him.
"Lets run away together"
I said happily.
Niklaus sat up and looked at me with a frown.
"What? My family is here"
Niklaus said. I brought my knees to my chest.
"I know but...we could bring your siblings with us. Start our own where our fathers don't dictate our lives"
I said smiling sadly.
Niklaus gently touched my cheek.
"You know there will be a time when all of this will be ours.We can marry,have lots of children of our own...strapping young men"
Niklaus said smiling as he looked up, thinking about it. I giggled rolling my eyes.
"A girl would be nice too"
I said embracing Niklaus' hand with mine.
"Of course love..anything for you"
He said kissing me again.

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