Chapter 9 - Hidden in My Head

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(current time - briefly)
I've been here for what feels like eternity now... just coming back to life and then drowning all over again and dying all over again...repeat after repeat....Which is why I've simply taken this time to hide in my mind, remembering the good times in my life.... I just waited in agony, for me to die again, and slip back into my memories...
Infuriated by Esther's disloyalty, Mikael forced Ester to cast a spell...well keep not only Niklaus' but my werewolf side dormant.. they had tricked Niklaus and I into it....but let me back up abit
So Niklaus and I were lying in the grass, far off from the village, watching clouds go by....
"I love you"
Niklaus said rolling on his side, gently rubbing my face with his thumb.
He began to tickle my face with kisses. I started to giggle and squirm.
"Niklaus stop it! You are tickling me!"
I said in between fits of giggles.
"I wish to kiss every inch of your body"
Niklaus said pulling back and staring me in the eyes. I blushed...then sat up, pulling my knees to my chest
"What is it? Have I said something to upset you?"
Niklaus asked sitting up as well, one arm on his knee, the other leg straight down.
"I am still sad for the death of our child..I'm such an fool"
I said sadly. Niklaus scooted closer to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder...
"It was my fault...You drove yourself to end your life and that is my doing.I should have stayed loyal to you if I was to lay with you.I'm no better than my mother" Niklaus said sadly. He gently put a hand on my cheek and our foreheads touched. I closed my eyes and took a breath...
"I was foolish.I should have chose to live for our child...I was afraid...of Mikael"I said looking at Niklaus. He sighed, clenching his fist at the very word of his name..
"He scares us all...but now we must stick, my siblings and I....only then will we be able to defeat him...and then...we can run away together...explore this new land... we could make our own village...and be King and Queen of siblings at my side of course..spend our lives together forever" Niklaus said smiling at me. I smiled back. I had always loved when he talked about his hopes and was the deep side of him that I truly loved...
"As long as you promise to paint for me"
I said smiling happily
"If only you sing to me as I paint"
Niklaus said with a smirk
"Then we have an accord Niklaus"
I said giggling, then he pulled me in a kiss. I kissed back happily. That's when I started to feel pain and began to yell in agony
"Jessika what is it?!"
Niklaus asked but soon was screaming himself. Esther had walked up, holding her hand out and chanting...we couldn't move...we couldn't speak...only dwell in pain.....until we we had blacked out...the last thing we saw was Mikael and Elijah walking up....
When I woke up, I was tied down to the ground by rope. Niklaus was being tied up to a wooden post....his arms were tied up and his body tied to the post...Niklaus had woken up before Mikael could tie his other arm up.
I called, worried for him. He saw me tied up and began to struggle to break free from the rope as he tied his right arm.

"Elijah help me hold him down!"
Mikael yelled as he struggled with Niklaus. Elijah didn't move at first, not wanting to help Mikael.
"Elijah don't!"
I yelled trying to chant but my magic wasn't working
"There is no point in using your magic...I have put a temporary block on your are useless"
Esther said as she went back to chanting
"Please let them do this to me to Jessika?!?"
Niklaus said looking desperately
"Do it boy!"
Mikael yelled at Elijah. Elijah reluctantly helped Mikael hold Niklaus up as Mikael tied him to the post.
After that, Esther cursed Niklaus and I to suppress the werewolf gene in us...the heart of the curse was the moonstone she sealed it in. Mikael had then hunted down Niklaus' real father and killed him and his entire clan.... My real father would have if we hadn't come from over seas but nonetheless it started the war between werewolves and vampires that still goes on today...
After that had happened Mikael had gone on a rampage, he disappeared for months...until he came back and killed most of the village... my parents and Tatia...well, Elijah told me he tore Tatia's body apart.Esther turned her back on all of us, but karma has its ways and her heart was ripped out of her chest by Mikael.. After that, he took off in a rage and when our village was no more..the only ones that stayed were Elijah, Rebeckah, Nik and I...Kole and Fin went into hiding..but they'd eventually return when they realized Mikael was gone.
I watched Elijah and Nicklaus dig graves for the bodies that were left behind in Mikael's blind rage... Rebeckah and I were watching, she the only one crying over Ester being dead...I watched in sadness but relief..that woman could no longer control Elijah or Nik
"I know you think that she hated you Nicklaus but she did not"
Rebekah said. Nik and I exchanged sad but cold looks, but said nothing.
"She was just afraid..I'm sorry she turned her back on you. I will never do either of you. Jessika you have always been apart of this family and like it or not, we're in this together" Rebeckah said through tears. I gave her a small smile and hugged her
"I agree"
Eliah said walking up sadly. We all looked at him...
Nik and I were still a bit mad that he helped Mikael...but Elijah was just scared...
"We stick together"
Rebeckah held out her hand to Nik.
"Always and forever"
She said looking at Nik now. Nik took her hand and looked to me on his left holding out his hand. I took his hand and Elijah and I exchanged looks. I could see in his eyes he still loved me, and apart of me still loved him...but my heart belonged to Nik...I smiled taking his hand. He smiled back and joined his hand with Rebeckah.
"We shall stick by each other no matter what the odds are. I love you all like a family and as the witch in this family I vow to protect you with my powers as much as I can"
I said looking at all of them. They all smiled at me and we kind of group hugged. It was small, but it was a happy memory.

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