Chapter 18 - Magic in the Air

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"Here you go Princess"
Damon said tossing me a blood bag. I caught it smirking
"You're too kind Damon, really. Katherine you sure you don't know anything?"
I asked looking at her sternly. She gulped
"All I know is Emily Bennett told me is was a big deal in witch folklore. Apparently when a witch dies violently they release a mystical energy at the place of their death"
Katherine said. I looked back at Damon smirking
"So..why do I get the feeling someone else wants to find this more than you"
I asked making his eyes widen
"How do you know?"
He asked. I used my vampire speed and got very close to him.
"I'm a witch and a vampire. One of a kind. You can't lie to someone as old as me... tell me. Who is truly looking for it?"
I asked smirking. He bit the inside of his cheek
"Okay But don't kill me or any of my friends... Elijah wants to know the place of their deaths"
He said. My smile faded
"Lijah is in town?"
I asked coldly.
"Yes But...he's sort of... in our dungeon right now with a dagger in his chest"
Damon said. I smirked
I said to his shock
"You're good with that?"
Katherine asked surprised
"Of course I am. It's not like he who had claimed to love me more than Niklaus ever tried finding me. If he had really tried to find me he would of used a witch to find me.. but he didn't... non of them did. So why should I care one is immobilized in a cellar. It's where he belongs. All of them"
I said carelessly, shrugging my shoulders.
"Wow you really hate them"
Damon said surprised.
"Wouldn't you hate your brother if he left you to rot underwater for 1000 years?"
I asked smirking
"I'd probably be pissed for like half that time I spent in there but hey, he's my brother"
Damon said smirking
"Gross. So what did Elijah even want with that spot? I mean he's not a witch"
I said crossing my arms
"I don't know. You know him better than I do"
He said making me scoff
"Hardly. It would seem 1000 years changes even the most honorable people"
I said but turned seeing another good looking man leaned on the door way.
"Well hello handsome"
I said smirking but Katherine smirked
"Stephens mine Jess"
Katherine said eyeing Him.
"Okay who is this? And why isn't she gone or dead yet?"
He asked.
"It would surely sound as if he is yours Katherine"
I said looking back at her with a smirk
"Okay 21st century new talk first lesson, instead of the way you just said it, try - It sounds like he's just not that into you"
Damon said smirking. I smirked and looked at Katherine
"Maybe he's just not that into you love. Sorry"
I said making Damon chuckle at Katherine scowl
"Oh I like her. She even added her own touch"
Damon said smirking.I looked at Stephen and smirked as I walked up to him and held out my hand for him to shake..
"Jessika Gonouff. Please to meet you. I apologize for the bargery but I was imprisoned under water for 1000 years. Katherine has freed me. I am In your debt for allowing me passage in your home"
I said taking a bow
"Okay, so lets take your sentence and you can say
Hi my name is Jess, nice to meet you, sorry I barged in, I was stuck under a water prison for a 1000 years. Katherine freed you and I owe you big time"
Damon said. Katherine looked at him in annoyance
"I'm supposed to teach her the modern talk"
She said
"Well it looks like you're slacking"
Stephan said smirking.
"You can call me Jess. Before you become alarmed I was.."
I looked at Damon
"Klaus' ex girlfriend? But he..cheated on me and didn't even bother to look for me after I was thrown into that damn casket. I hope we can be.. friends"
I said struggling with this new found talk. Stephen eyed me for a minute
"One step out of line. I'll send you back to that water prison"
Stephen said then shook my hand. I smirked
"I believe in fair is fair. Don't cross me and I'll do the same. Deal?"
I asked taking my hand back
He said the shook my hand again
"People shake on deals to know they mean it"
Stephen said and I shook more enthusiastically after that.
"Fair enough. So who's baby witch and daddy witch?"
I asked smirking. Stephen sighed looking at Damon
"Elijah believed there had to be a weapon to kill Klaus.  But the witches believe if they can channel enough power, they wouldn't need one"
Stephen said.
"That's true. Anybody can be killed if enough magic is used. Magic is what made us who we are and magic is what could take us away. However, one witch using all that power? It would kill them"
I said shrugging. Stephen and Damon looked at each other
"You're a witch aren't you?"
Stephen asked
"I am. But why would I want to waste my life on the likes of Klaus when I just finally came back"
I said with a smirk
"No, but that makes 3 witches in our circle now"
Damon said
"Maybe so. But you expect 3 people to harness hundreds of witches? It would kill us all. You'd need a coven and I highly doubt many exist anymore"
I said looking between the three.
"Maybe in New Orleans"
Katherine said tapping her chin
"They wouldn't come here for us though"
I said crossing my arms
"Let's just keep looking in the journals till we find something and we'll talk about what if's after we find the location"
Stephen said rolling his eyes
"Give me one then"
I said in a bored tone. Damon handed me on and I sat on the couch with my legs stretched out
"Move over"
Damon said. I sighed rolling my eyes
"As you wish"
I said bringing my knees to my chest. He later on the couch too and once he got comfortable I stretched my legs again, propping them up on his left thigh. He gave me an annoyed look but I just smirked
"You know just because Katherine and I are friends and I've turned my humanity off, doesn't mean you have to be so mean"
I said
"Try saying hey Damon why are you such a dick? I just met you and you don't even know me"
Katherine said smirking.
"I..I don't get it why would I call him a male genital?"
I asked with a raised brow.
Damon an Stephen chuckled
"Well that was the highlight of my day. Alright I'll lay off a bit"
Damon said smirking. I smirked back and we all began to read into the journals.
(3 hours later)
I've been reading all these interesting things I missed in this town while I was just below them. Vampire hunters, witches and wolves. It was all interesting to see how life had progressed around me...suddenly I got a chill
"Does anyone else feel that?"
I asked looking around.
Damon asked. It was gone and I saw nothing out of the ordinary
"I...I don't know..maybe I'm just tired or something"
I said confused. Katherine and Damon shrugged.
So 10 minutes into reading again Katherine got up and wrapped her arms around Damon from behind
"Can I help you?"
He asked in a fake politeness.
"I'm bored"
She said and he shook his head. Katherine pointed in the book Damon was holding
"Hold on, Emily Bennett was captured today and taken to the place her family were set Emily was killed with the others.. Does is say where though?"
Katherine asked trying to take it but Damon pulled it away
"No it doesn't"
Damon said annoyed. She sighed
"I'm hungry"
She pouted. I rolled my eyes and closed the book. I felt the chill again. Whatever it was I had to find out.
"You're acting like a child Katherine. I'll go get us some blood. Damon?"
I asked
"I'm good for now. Thanks Jess. It's down in the cellar. You'll see a big white box against the wall on your left. That's our Cooler. Try not to disturb sleeping beauty"
Damon said referring to Elijah
"Can I take a peek and see how he's changed appearance wise?"
I asked with a raised brow.
Damon looked up and into my eyes. I had no intention of reviving him. That was just a headache I didn't want right now.
"Fine. 5 minutes in and out. I'll be able to hear you"
He said making me smirk
"Well obviously.I'll be right back"
I said and walked down to the cellar.
I looked and saw the cooler on the left.
"I'll just grab them on my way out from seeing Lijahs stupid face"
I said coldly as I walked to the door. Something felt odd...
I stared at Elijah's torn up, burnt grey clothes. His hair was cut short in a way that made him even more handsome than he ever was
"What a shame a face that handsome could be filled with such disloyalty. Always and forever.. the biggest lie I could have ever fell for. The honorable sibling? No, just the best actor. And now look at you Lijah. I hope you hear me. I hope you know I'm back now. And not you nor Niklaus will ever control me again. Did you mourn for me when I went missing Lijah? Or did you just....bat an eye and move on?"
I asked coldly. I slapped his face as hard as I could. Not any reaction. As to be expected but it felt good.
I stood up and began to walk out and as I turned out the door I heard and felt something. I looked back and saw the dagger coming up from his chest. I used my vampire speed and held it down but someone or something was fighting me to pull it out
I yelled but the pulling on the dagger stopped.
Suddenly a chair broke and a sharp piece of wood was now floating in the air
I yelled but as the stake tried to pierce me I growled in anger
"Ves mastos!" I yelled and the stake dropped
Damon rushes to the door
"Someone's trying to revive Elijah and they tried to stake me to do it!"
I said throwing the stake down and dropping to my knees panting.
I pointed. He looked and saw the dagger still trying to come out. Damon grabbed some type of hose looking thing and fire blew out. The pulling on the dagger stopped.
"What's happening?!"
Stephen asked
"I don't know!It's a witch thing go figure it out"
Damon yelled still blowing more fire. Eventually he stopped and I leaned back on the wall and sighed in relief
"Thank god I was not ready for that man"
I said shaking my head
"Well I guess it's a good thing you went and checked him out"
Damon said holding out his hand. I took it and he dusted me off
My butt was dusty as well
"It's fine. It's only weird if you make it weird"
I said shrugging. He shrugged and dusted my pants where my butt was off.
So we went upstairs and Damon made sure to close and lock the door. As I flopped on the couch I rubbed my temples
"One day I'm here and I'm thrown into the magic supernatural crap all over again. And who might you ask is the source? Of course it's Elijah, Nik, and whatever other damn original that's still out there"
I said shaking my head. Damon wakes up and handed me a blood bag
"Thanks Damon"
I said as I began to drink. He handed one to Katherine but before she could drink he staked her in the side. She yelled in pain
"That's for not telling me the dagger could kill me. Next'll be your heart"
Damon said leaving the stake there and walking over to me. I smirked enjoying the show
"Is that how you treat someone who-agh! Is trying to help you?!"
Katherine asked ripping the stake from her side.
"You wanna help? Start talking" Damon said turning to her
"I'd love to but you're not gonna like it"
Katherine said smirking. Damon spread out his arms body language of him not caring.
"Try me"
He said unimpressed
"Fine. John Gilbert and Isabelle want you and Stephen out of Elena's life"
Katherine said. Damon scoffed
"That's old news"
Damon said rolling his eyes
"Not the part where he offered me a deal"
Katherine said smirking
"Well pray tell Katherine"
I said sitting up and resting my head on my forearm, which was resting on the back of the couch
"He said either I stay here and help kill Klaus, or he kills Stephen"
Katherine said crossing her arms
"But he still tried to have me killed"
Damon said
"Right. That was part of the deal, I could only save one of you"
Katherine said. I shook my head
"So you chose Stephen"
Damon said in a knowing tone. Katherine just shrugged uncaring.
"Of course you did"
Damon said smirking bitterly.
"You wanted the truth Damon. Would you rather I lie?"
She asked. I could see the hurt in his eyes regardless.
"Damon. I could really use an alcoholic drink. Wanna grab one? I'll join you of course"
I said getting up and tossing my bag in the trash
He asked
I asked confused. He smirked taking my hand.
"You have a whole door that's yet to be opened of delicious tasing liquor"
He said as we went into a different room, leaving Katherine alone.
He poured two cups a third of the way with a brown liquid
"Now it's a known fact girls will smell the drink before drinking it. Don't do that. Trust me just toss it down"
He said smirking.
"That harsh huh?"
I asked taking my glass
"Maybe for you. Cheers"
He said clinking my glass with his. I smiled and downed my cup. It definitely was harsh but I could take it.
"So let me guess? You and Stephen were both in love with Katherine, and she just used you both?"
I asked Leaning on the table
"You sound experienced"
He said making me laugh
"No. Just knew the doppelgänger before her. Tatia. She went back and forth with Elijah and Nik which made it increasingly difficult to find a love for myself. Must be a doppelgänger trait to go back and forth between two handsome men"
I said smirking as Damon poured us another glass.
"Well so far Elena is so much more different than Katherine.. she's not interested at all in me"
Damon said as we drank our drinks
"But you want her to be"
I said smirking
"Well...a distraction would be okay"
He said smirking at me looking me up and down. I giggled at that
"Maybe...maybe not. Is that what people do these days? Just sleep around?"
I asked
"Some are called one night stands, others are called friends with benefits. Really depends on what you're looking for"
He said smirking at me. I giggled again
"Maybe a little bit more time to adjust to this new world before I jump in bed with someone. I feel like a fish out of water right now"
I said titling my head to him. He smirked
Suddenly a ringing went off
"What is that?"
I asked looking around
"My cell phone. It's like talking to people but at far far off ranges. It's Stephan hold on"
He said pressing the phone with his finger
He said then his eyes widened
"I'll bring miss witch with me for back up. Alright see you there"
Damon then pressed the phone again
"Come on. I'm gonna take you to the bar for a little action" he said smirking as he grabbed his leather jacket.
As we were going to the door
"Where are you going?"
Katherine asked
"Lukas dad is trying to kill Elena. Guess Jess' little encounter was luka trying to pull the blade from Elijah and I burnt him with the flame thrower. Come on Jess"
Damon said.
"Right Behind you"
I said but Katherine stood
"I'm coming with you"
Katherine spoke
"You two aren't getting along right now. I think it's best if you stayed here"
I said crossing my arms. She vamp sped to us
"You need to let me help"
She said
"I don't need your help. I don't want it. You've helped me enough by introducing me to Jess"
Damon said smirking
"Listen I know what to do and you need to let me do it"
She said seriously. Damon and I exchanged looks. I rolled my eyes shrugging as I opened the door and we all walked out.

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