Chapter 14 - Revenge

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A couple hours later, I heard a loud noise, like someone yelling just to yell. So I got up and went down the stairs to a main hall area, and saw Lucian, covered in blood
I asked with wide eyes
"Jessika!Hello!Good to see you!How are you feeling?"
He asked a little hyper. I raised a brow as I approached him.
"Are you alright?Why are you covered in blood?"
I asked standing about 10 feet away now.

"I feel as though I have left the fog of winter to enter the most glorious spring time"
He said happily. I looked past him and gasped seeing a woman bleeding out from her neck. She was holding her neck and blood was dripping down her arm to her elbow.
"Please!" I heard a woman say.The woman dropped to her knees crying.
"Lucian I do not pretend to know what has happened to you, but it is clear you are one of us now but this is not how we do things and this is not okay. People will see this and the hunters of our kind will come!"
I said looking at him. His smile dropped
He questioned but before I could respond Niklaus had walked up.
"Lucian! No! This will not go on unnoticed. Now we will have to leave. I know you despise me-"
"I know I do!"
I said smiling bitterly as I raised my hand. Nik glared at me
I said and turned myself to the girl.
"Come on, get out of here, stand up"
I said helping her up as she cried. I ripped off my sleeve of my dress and began to clean her arm. I then took my sleeve and tied it around her neck tightly but still so she could breathe.
"Just go and don't come back. Don't tell anyone where you're going unless you take them with you"
I suggested to her looking directly in her eyes so she knew I meant business.
I raised a brow at her in confusion.
She looked like she was in a trance for a second before she blinked, shaking her head
She said and ran off.
"That was strange"
I said with a raised brow.
"I don't hate you anymore. We are as alike now as brothers, are we not?"
Lucian asked. I turned around to look at him with worry
Nik stared at him for a while
"It seems so"
He said then looked down
"What happened? Why is he one of us?" I asked looking at Niklaus confused. He sighed
"Tristan.. he tortured Lucian until he was near death.. I gave my him blood to heal but.. it would seem he died with my blood in his body.. and that turned him into one of us"
Niklaus said looking down. I rubbed my temples, beginning to grow stressed.
"Then he is your responsibility Niklaus.. you must teach him control or may Mikael damn us all"
I said crossing my arms.
"Then teach me Nicklaus"
Lucian said excitedly.
Nik said smirking then looked at me.
"I thought you were leaving"
Nik said and walked off with Lucian...
I had never felt more alone then I did at that moment....

I had turned the corner and ran into Elijah
I said breaking down and hugging him.
"What has he done to you Jessika?"
Elijah asked gently as he embraced me
"He left me for Aurora! How could I have been so foolish?! For all these years!"
I sobbed. Elijah held me tightly as I cried
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Lijah! I made the wrong choice! I have ruined everything! I could have been with an honorable man like you but I chose to continuously be mistreated by your brother just to smile and say everything is fine! Everything is not fine and I have failed you! I am so sorry! I'm so-"
"Shhh of course I forgive you Jessika. I will always love you but I simply can not keep opening my heart every time something goes wrong with my brother and is not fair to any of us..I will be here to console you but merely as a friend" Elijah said. My heart was gone.... I didn't want to feel anymore...
I pushed him back
"No.. don't do that. Do not push me away- Jessika!"
Elijah called as I ran off. How foolish I was... to be damned to this family for all eternity.. all this family has caused me is pain and suffering.. and I have only myself to blame....

As I was passing Auroras room I heard her and Niklaus

"Run away with you? Leave my brother? This house?"
She said in shock
"The world is bigger than this house! Let me show you"
Niklaus said pacing
"How? As we hide? Fleeing your brute of a father? Always in the run? Living like dogs? Maybe Jessika was quite comfortable with that and maybe being with you was enough for her. But I think not"
Aurora said bitterly. I smirked at that.
Karma... was a bitch... wasn't it Niklaus.
"Your brother has turned you from me"
Niklaus said sadly
"No, I have turned from you because I do not love you! I simply wished to prove to Jessika that I am better than her and I can have whatever I want when I want! She holds her head so high and mighty well I proved her wrong ! She is nothing more than a ragged whore now!"
Aurora said smirking. My blood boiled
"You will not speak of her in such a way! You have no right!"
Niklaus yelled. His defense didn't even make me feel better... the damage was done
"I thought I did love you but it turns out that I just wanted to make her hurt! I see you for what you are now and you are a cruel wretched thing! Pathetic really. I'm worthy of anyone's love. Let alone mine. After all, your own mother turned against you"
Aurora stepped away from him
"You don't mean that!"
Niklaus said in a pained voice.
"And you expect me to love you knowing how easy it was to take you from someone you had claimed to be in so much love with. If she who claimed to love you and be snuffed out by your own hand...then what hope is there for you? Maybe part of me stole you from Jessika to prove to her you are not worthy of her either!" Aurora said sitting on her bed. I peeked through the door to see Niklaus was now crying
"You're breaking my heart...and you swore that you would never speak of this"
He said sadly.
"I owe you nothing! And I could never love you! So go.. go back to Jessika because I know she will tell you the same! You re not worthy of a woman's love!"
Aurora said angrily. Niklaus nodded coldly and turned slowly on his heel. As he walked out he saw me there. His tear stained face was ridden with shock
"Jessika were you-"
"She is right you know.. regardless of her motives for tearing us apart you are unworthy of my love and you have shown me that time and time again! I'm leaving tonight. Alone. So please do not stop me. There's nothing left for me here"
I said turning from him
"There's..nothing I can say to stop you?"
He asked coldly but sad.
"No.. I wish I could say that I am sorry but I am not. I've been broken too many times and the damage is done. So leave me"
I said coldly as a tear slid down my cheek. He gently touched my cheek and brushed my tear away
"For what it is worth.. I am sorry.. for love"
He kissed my forehead and in a gust of wind he was gone....
I sighed nodding my head and turned into Auroras room.
"Are you satisfied? You've broken not one, not two but three hearts in the week"
I said leaning on Auroras door frame. She was not moving however..
I instantly smelled blood.
"Damn it to hell"
I groveled running over to her bed. She had slit her wrists
"I should let you die you know"
I said coldly before biting my wrist and putting my blood in her mouth. Her wounds began to heal and she gasped shooting up from her bed
"Why..would you save me? You should hate me!"
She asked in confusion. I scoffed
"Believe me. I do. However, your brother would surely damn us all and reveal our location to Mikael somehow if he knew you tried to take your life. He'd blame us all and we'd all be dead. I don't pretend to like you. Nor do I truly care if you die.. but to protect my family I must keep you alive"
I said bitterly and with that I stood
"What family? I've made them turn their backs on you. You have nobody"
She said smirking. I stopped in my tracks
"I do believe I've let you go out of kindness before.. tread carefully aurora. My patience grows thin"
I said bitterly
"You don't have the guts"
She said smirking but in a flash I turned and slammed her into a wall
She tried to scream but it was too late.
I covered her mouth and tore her throat out. Once she was dead I left her body to fall to the ground. Lifeless.
Before I had time to turn a stake was driven through my chest. I was going to yell in pain but my mouth was covered
"You will pay for that"
Tristan said bitterly before I fell to darkness
The last thing I remembered....were Tristan's orders..
"Take her to a coffin. Chain the coffin up and ship her to a different land.. dump her and the coffin at the bottom of a lake somewhere thousands of miles"

And that was it....
Weeks on end on a ship... feeling my coffin carried on a carriage for what seemed like months...
Before my coffin became completely submerged in water.... for a thousand years it would seem... but soon... all will change....

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