Season One Epilogue

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Several months had passed since everything had happened with the upside down, and it was now January

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Several months had passed since everything had happened with the upside down, and it was now January. To be more exact, it was the last day of winter break.

Things in Hawkins had pretty much gone back to normal, and Chris had spent the whole day hanging out with the party.

"So who else is dreading going back to school tomorrow?" Chris asked as they all sat down on the basement couch.

"I'm pretty sure we all are," Lucas answered.

Chris thought that, after seeing what El did to Troy, people would have stopped making fun of her and her friends, but that wasn't the case.

People at school had been calling Will "Zombie Boy," and she swore she would fight anyone who said it, but Will made her promise she wouldn't do anything.

People had also been leaving hurtful notes in her locker, as well, but she never told anyone. She didn't want to make anybody worry.

She was pulled from her thoughts by Steve Harrington coming downstairs.

"Your sister sent me down here. It's time for dinner," he told the party.

Nancy was still with Steve, which meant he was over at the Wheeler house a lot, but Chris didn't mind. He had become a pretty decent guy once he stopped hanging out with Tommy and Carol.

The group of kids made their way upstairs and sat down at the dinner table.

Nancy greeted them with a smile.

Chris knew Nancy was still grieving the loss of her best friend, Barb. To be honest, so was Chris, but she still felt awful for Nancy.

After dinner, Chris and Mike's friends left, as did Steve, and it was eventually time for bed.

Chris said goodnight to her parents and crawled in bed.

Mike was downstairs in the basement, probably trying to talk to El again.

He had done that every night since she left.

A few minutes later, Mike had come back into their room and got into bed.

"Night, Chrissy," he said as he fell asleep.

"Night, Mike," Chris replied.

She laid awake, staring at the ceiling in the dark.

It was a silent night, that is until she heard her parents arguing downstairs.

This was something they did pretty often.

Chris knew they tried to wait until everyone was asleep, but most of the time, she was still awake to hear it.

She just wished everything would get better soon, but as everyone knows, for things to get better, they have to get worse. 

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