Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum

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"and if you wanna cry, make sure that they never see it"

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"and if you wanna cry, make sure that they never see it"

"The gate," Steve, Dustin, and Chris said as they exchanged a look.

"Shit," Chris mumbled under her breath as the five of them ran back down the stairs.

"I don't understand," Robin clarified. "You've seen this before?"

"Not exactly."

"Then what, exactly?"

"All you need to know is it's bad," Dustin stated.

"It's really bad," Steve agreed.

"Like end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad. Like, we're probably all going to die kind of bad. No, not probably, we're all definitely going to die," Chris said at a million miles a minute.

She started to freak out as she thought of her friends and family. Was El strong enough to close the gate again? Would she even be able to get to the gate? Was Will okay? Was the shadow monster coming after him again?

Chris was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of an alarm blaring.

Steve opened the door and realized that the Russians knew they were here.

He slammed it shut again, muttering a small stream of curses.

He ushered them all through the room and down a small hallway. They ran through the control room and past the machine that was re-opening the gate. Steve was knocking over barrels and shoving Russians to the ground.

They made it into another room, and Steve slammed the door, pushing against it.

He yelled for Robin, who immediately ran over to help keep the door shut.

Chris reached to grasp at the locket around her neck – something she did when she was nervous – but gasped when she realized it wasn't there.

"I have to go back," she stated.

"What?! No! Go with Erica and Dustin and get help!" Robin argued. Chris turned around to realize that Dustin and Erica were gone.

"No, no. I have to go back... I have to get my necklace," Chris fought, her mind not thinking straight.

"You want to go back for a necklace?" Steve questioned, not understanding why Chris wanted to risk her life for a piece of jewelry. It just so happened that the necklace was essential to Chris.

"Steve, please, I have to go. I need – I need it," she began to hyperventilate.

Just then, the door flew open, toppling Steve, Robin, and Chris to the ground.

The Russians cornered them and pointed their guns. Chris knew it was over – and they had lost.

One by one, the Russians grabbed Steve, Chris, and Robin and knocked them out.

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