How Would You Feel

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Chris glanced at the clock, the time reading 5:48 AM, as she and Max snuck out of the room.

The Party was in the middle of another one of their sleepovers, this time at Dustin's house. Neither Max nor Chris could sleep, though. There was no particular reason for their lack of weariness, but no matter how hard they tried, neither of them could stay asleep for longer than a few minutes. So that's why, at dawn's early light, they decided to sneak out and watch the sunrise. 

The roof of Dustin's house was particularly flat, which made a great place to sit and watch sunrises and sunsets. Despite the number of times Chris had sat on that roof to watch the sun come up, she had never done it alone with Max, and a part of her longed to experience it in such a romantic occasion. 

The two girls, wrapped in blankets, climbed up onto the roof and got comfortable. 

Chris laid her blanket across both of their laps, and Max wrapped her blanket around their shoulders. She rested her arm around the small of Chris's back and pulled her close, the latter leaning her head on Max's shoulder. 

After about ten minutes of waiting, Chris finally saw the first peak of light over the horizon. She felt her heart swell inside of her, glad she was finally able to witness this with her girlfriend.

Not long after, the light was flooding all around them, and the morning was finally appearing. In the distance, birds could be heard chirping, and the warmth of the sun was breaking through the night's bitter cold. 

It was at that moment, Chris knew. She knew what she needed to say. She had thought about it for a while, but she was waiting for the perfect moment to say it. This was that perfect moment.

"Hey, Max," Chris started, her voice soft and sweet.

"Mhm?" Max replied; her eyes still focused on the sky.

"I've been thinking about this for a while now, but how would you feel if I told you I loved you?" Chris asked, feeling as though a million butterflies were fluttering around in her stomach.

"What?" Max responded, clearly caught off guard as she turned her attention to Chris.

"I've meant to tell you that. It's just something that I've wanted to do. I love you," Chris paused to take a deep breath before speaking again. "I've wanted to take my time on this and make sure that what we have is real because I swear, I want to spend the rest of my life falling deeper and more madly in love with you, Maxine Mayfield. So please, tell me one thing; tell me that you love me too."

"Wow," Was the only thing Max said.

"Is that... a good wow? Or a 'wow, this girl is a creepy-ass stalker who catches feelings too quickly' wow?" Chris questioned, only half-joking.

"No, it's good. It's really good."

"Oh, okay. Great," Chris smiled. "So? Do you have anything you'd like to tell me?"

"Chris, I love you so much," Max pulled her girlfriend in even closer. "Believe me, I've wanted to say it for so long, but I could never work up the courage. No matter how many times I practice it in the mirror, I can never seem to form the words when I look at you. You make me speechless with how amazing you are. I do have one condition, though."

"What is it?" Chris said, getting a little worried.

"Call me 'Maxine' again, and you're dead," Max laughed. 

Chris chuckled, feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders.

"Deal. But if you call me Christina, then I'll have no choice but to retaliate. All's fair in love and war."

At that statement, the two of them started laughing uncontrollably, most likely due to overtiredness combined with pure bliss. 

"What's so funny?" They heard Lucas ask from behind them.

Chris turned around, seeing the rest of her friends climbing onto the roof as well.

"To be completely honest, I don't know," Max shrugged, turning around to face the rest of them.

"What're you guys doing up here? We woke up, and you guys were missing. We almost started to freak," Mike admitted, his primary focus on Chris.

Chris knew that he always worried about her, even if he didn't often show it.

"We couldn't sleep, so we came to watch the sunrise," Chris answered apologetically. "Hey, El, come here. I have a secret for you."

El crawled over and leaned in, allowing for Chris to whisper something in her ear.

"You told Max you love her?!" El exclaimed, probably waking the whole neighborhood.

"Wow, so much for a secret," Max nudged El's arm jokingly. 

"Well, I can't say we didn't see it coming," Will laughed.

"Yeah, guys, it's about damn time you finally told each other," Dustin added. "I mean, it was so obvious. But, congrats, guys. I'm proud of you."

Gradually, everyone else went on to congratulate them, as well as give them hugs. 

Right then and there, Chris felt that she was the happiest she had ever been, and she felt truly blessed to not only have an amazing girlfriend but also have such great friends. Friends who endlessly offered love and support, despite what most people believed. 

How astounding, Chris thought to herself, that three little words could carry so much meaning. That three little words can change someone's life forever.

Strawberries and Cigarettes // Max Mayfield x girl OCWhere stories live. Discover now