Chapter Seven: The Bite

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"anticipating what's to come, like a finger on a loaded gun"

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"anticipating what's to come, like a finger on a loaded gun"

Erica and Dustin led them out of the room and to one of the vehicles they had seen earlier. They ushered the three of them into the back, which Chris was very offended by because it made her feel like a circus animal in a cage.

Dustin sat in the driver's seat and sped down the halls.

"Jesus, slow down!" Steve yelled, trying to avoid being tossed around in the back.

"Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?" Robin agreed.

"It's the Indy 300," Steve argued.

Robin and Steve proceeded to argue over the number, causing Chris to roll her eyes and intervene.

"Let's just say a million."

The three of them laughed loudly at their idea of a joke. Their fun, however, came to an end when Dustin slammed on the brakes, and Robin, Chris, and Steve all banged their heads into the metal walls of the small car.

Dustin and Erica threw open the doors to the back.

"Come on. We gotta go, now," Dustin ordered.

After a few seconds, Dustin and Erica raised their voices and yelled at the other three to get out of the car.

Chris grumbled complaints as she was dragged back onto the elevator. Although she absolutely despised it when it dropped, she was having the time of her life riding it back up.

Chris hopped onto Steve's back as he balanced atop a rolling cart.

"Hey! You look like you're surfing!" Robin exclaimed.

"Surfing! Yeah!" Steve yelled back.

Suddenly, Robin pulled the cart out from under Steve's feet, causing him and Chris to go flying across the room.

"Wipeout!" Robin yelled.

The three of them hadn't stopped laughing the whole elevator ride.

"Wow! You really got us good!" Chris joked.

Dustin rushed over to Chris and proceeded to put his hand on her forehead.

"She's burning up."

"You're burning up," Chris protested, attempting to push Dustin away with whatever strength she could muster.

Dustin checked Chris' eyes and commented on how dilated her pupils were when Erica suggested the possibility of being drugged.

"Chris, are you drugged?" Dustin asked, lightly slapping her cheek to get her attention.

"How many times, dad," Steve spoke up, "I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana."

"This isn't funny, okay?" Dustin turned his attention to the teen boy. "I need to know what they did to you. Are you gonna die on us?"

Strawberries and Cigarettes // Max Mayfield x girl OCWhere stories live. Discover now