Chapter Four: Will the Wise

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Dustin, Max, and Chris were wandering the halls, searching for Will when they ran into Mrs

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Dustin, Max, and Chris were wandering the halls, searching for Will when they ran into Mrs. Byers.

"What's going on? Where's Will?" She asked in a panic.

Before any of them had a chance to answer, Lucas came running in from outside.

"The field!" He panted before running back outside.

They followed him out and found Mike standing next to Will, whose eyes were closed.

"I just found him like this. I think he's having another episode!" Mike informed them.

Joyce ran up to him and started shaking him to get him to wake up.

"Will! Will! Will! Sweetie, wake up! It's mom!" She started yelling things, trying to wake him up, but to no avail.

Chris stood in between her twin and Max, worried sick about her best friend.

Suddenly, Will's eyes shot open and he gasped.

Chris felt a wave of relief pass through her, but she knew that Will was far from okay.

Mrs. Byers helped direct Will out of the school and into her car as the rest of the party followed behind, only stopping when they reached the front of the school and Mrs. Byers drove away.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out. Did that not freak you guys out?" Max asked.

"Two episodes in two days," Lucas pointed out.

"It's getting worse," Chris added.

"Do you think it's true sight?" Lucas questioned.

"What's true sight?" Max asked again.

"It's nothing..." Lucas brushed her off.

With that, the kids split off and went home.

The ride was painfully quiet between Mike and Chris.

"I'm worried about Will," Chris spoke up.

"We all are." Mike snapped.

Chris had noticed that ever since El left, Mike had been more distant and angry. He barely spoke to her, and when he did, it was short sentences.

She missed the good times they used to have together. Sure, he still had moments where he was nice, but most of the time he was just pissy.


The next morning, the Wheeler family was sitting at the table enjoying breakfast.

"You like those grapes, Holly?" Mike asked the youngest Wheeler sibling as Nancy got up to grab her toast.

"Hey, mom, I was thinking about staying the night at Stacey's tonight?" She asked.

Chris leaned over to Mike.

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