Hearts Don't Break Around Here

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Chris laid in the grass on her front lawn as she watched Max attempt different tricks on her skateboard. The two of them had been outside for almost an hour, just enjoying the fresh spring air. After Max's hundredth attempt, Chris started to whine.

"Baaaaabe," She said, drawing Max's attention to her.

"Hmm?" Max replied, a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead.

"I'm bored. Can we go to the park or something?"

Max smiled, pondering for a minute before nodding.

"Yeah, okay," She agreed.

Chris smiled widely and ran up to give Max a quick kiss before grabbing her bike.

The two of them set off together to the nearest park, deciding halfway through to race each other.

Max got there first, followed a few seconds later by Chris, who was laughing and jokingly accusing Max of cheating.

Chris mounted her bike before grabbing Max's hand.

"Come with me, I want to show you something!" Chris yelled gleefully, dragging Max towards the back of the park where a few willow trees were planted. 

"Where are we going?" Max laughed, admiring the child-like innocence of her girlfriend.

"You'll see!"

Chris led Max through the branches of the willow trees and to the center of the small woodland. 

Looking around, Max saw that they were standing in a wide-open area. The trees allowed for just the right amount of light to be let in, while still providing shade and and escape from the heat. Flowers, primarily daisies, covered the surrounding grass, and a small stream ran swiftly in the distance. 

"Wow, this is..." Max trailed off, in awe of where she was.

"Beautiful," Chris finished.

Except, Chris wasn't looking at the nature surrounding her. Instead, her eyes focused intensely on Max. Chris thought that Max was the most beautiful girl she had ever laid eyes on, and so when Chris found that secluded part of Hawkins, she knew immediately she had to share it with her girlfriend.

"How did you find this?" Max questioned, her attention going back to Chris.

Chris shrugged, "I got bored the other day and came to the park... and I may or may not have chased a bunny here..."

"Okay, that is the sweetest thing I've ever heard," Max chuckled, pinching Chris' cheeks.

"Hey, stop!" Chris blushed. "I'm not sweet, I'm tough!"

"Okay, sure. Whatever you say," Max rolled her eyes playfully.

Suddenly, Chris had an idea.

"Hey, help me gather as many daisies as you can!"

"What? Why?" Max asked, looking confused but joining the other girl in picking the small white flowers.

"It's a surprise!"

After about five minutes, Chris decided that they had picked enough flowers and sat down, continuing with step two of her idea.

She began to twist the flowers together one by one, making what seemed like a long strand of daisies.

"What're you doing?" Max asked curiously, trying to get a closer look at Chris' hands.

"Shhh, patience," Chris whispered, continuing to twist the flowers.

After what, to Max, seemed like an eternity, Chris announced that she was finished. She held the flowers up to reveal them laced together in a big ring shape, admiring them slightly before placing the flowers on Max's head like a crown. 

"Chris, wow, this is amazing!" Max exclaimed, gently touching the flower crown on her head. "But I think you need to make another, because you would look so beautiful with one."

Chris blushed, but tried to hide it by looking down and letting her hair fall into her face as she started making a crown for herself. This time, the process seemed a lot quicker, as Max wasn't so anxious to find out what was going on. 

Chris placed the flowers on her head and gave Max a huge smile. Chris enjoyed making flower crowns, but she never really had anyone to give them to. Will was the only one who ever let Chris make one for him, but the crown ended up falling off and getting lost.

Chris was admiring the way the white flowers appeared to pop in contrast to Max's red hair, when suddenly, the latter grabbed her and laid down, Max laying on her back and Chris on top of her on her stomach.

Slowly, Max ran her fingers through Chris' hair as she realized how much she didn't want this moment to end.

"You stole my heart, y'know," Max said softly as she smiled.

"What?" Chris questioned, feeling relaxed and at peace with Max playing with her hair.

"You stole my heart," Max repeated. "I really tried not to let you, though. I guess I was scared. I mean, every one else who's ever stolen my heart before has brought it back broken. But you're different. I know that you'll bring it back whole. I was so scared of trusting anyone, but with you, it just came naturally," She confessed.

"Oh, Max, don't worry," Chris smiled at her, pressing a kiss against her cheek. "Hearts don't break around here."

With that, the two of them fell into a peaceful slumber, shaded by the branches of the willow trees. 

Strawberries and Cigarettes // Max Mayfield x girl OCWhere stories live. Discover now