Get to Know Chris

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hey! quick little a/n before i get on with season three. i recently saw a post about things you should know about each of your characters, so i decided to answer it for Chris and publish it here so that you guys can get to know her better!

What would completely break your character?
Probably either being not accepted by her friends and family, or losing the ones she loves.

What was the best thing in your character's life?
Meeting Will in kindergarten and also dancing with Max at the snowball.

What was the worst thing in your character's life?
Having to deal with the upside down and also losing El

What seemingly insignificant memories stuck with your character?
Meeting Will in kindergarten.

What is your character reluctant to tell people?
That she likes girls.

How does your character feel about sex?
She's waaaaayyyyyy to young to have it.

How many friends does your character have?
6 close best friends.

How many friends does your character want?
She's happy with the amount she has now.

What would your character make a scene in public about?
Probably if she saw someone being mistreated.

What would your character give her life for?
Her friends and family.

What are your character's major flaws?
She's broken inside and she doesn't share her feelings very often.

How does the image your character tries to project different from the image they actually project?
Chris tries to project the image of being badass, but her image is really just a cinnamon roll, too precious for this world.

What is your character afraid of?
Losing her friends and family, the dark, not being accepted, the upside down and it's monsters, a lot of stuff.

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