Chapter Five: The Flayed

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"you've got a warm heart, you've got a beautiful brain but it's disintegrating"

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"you've got a warm heart, you've got a beautiful brain but it's disintegrating"

Chris felt her heart drop along with the room. Her breathing was labored, and she felt as if the air could not reach her lungs. She curled up and screamed into her knees.

"Shit!" Dustin yelled as Steve screamed, "We're going down!"

"Yeah, no shit, Harrington!" Robin retorted.

Chris could hear Dustin screaming something about the buttons as her vision started to go hazy.

The last thing Chris remembered hearing was Steve yelling about a box falling on his groin, then, her world went dark.


When Chris came to, Dustin was lightly slapping her cheek repeatedly, trying to wake her up. She pulled herself to a sitting position and shoved Dustin away.

"Woah, kid, you good?" Robin asked.

"Yeah. M'fine," Chris mumbled, taking in her surroundings.

"Just so you nerds are aware, I'm supposed to be spending the night at Tina's, and Tina always covers for me. But if I'm not home for Uncle Jack's party tomorrow and my mom finds out you three are responsible, she's gonna hunt you down, one by one, and slit your throat," Erica yelled. 

"I don't care about Tina! Or Uncle Jack's party! Your mom's not gonna be able to find us if we're dead in a Russian elevator!" Chris snapped, causing everyone to stare at her in shock. It was so unlike Chris to get angry enough to yell at people, especially the younger sister of one of her best friends.

"Hey," Dustin finally spoke. "What if we climbed out?" He pointed to a vent in the ceiling.

Dustin and Steve climbed out onto the top of the elevator as the three girls stayed back.

Chris sat in the corner and put her face in her hands, sighing.

Steve and Dustin came back down a few minutes later, and they all settled in for the night.


The next morning, Dustin started trying to call for help with his radio, explaining that there was a "code red."

"You gotta take it easy on that thing," Steve climbed back up to get Dustin's attention. "Gonna drain the battery."

"The mall just opened."

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