Season Three Epilogue Part Two

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"so hug all your friends and let them know you're not letting go"

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"so hug all your friends and let them know you're not letting go"

October 1985

"Turn around! Look at what you see! In her face, the mirror of your dreams! Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds!" Max and Chris sang together as they sat in the Byers' house. They were taking a break from packing, and Max was currently braiding Chris's hair, which had now grown out to slightly past shoulder length. 

Dustin sat across the room, staring at them with an unamused look on his face.

"Wait, did we get that verse right? It's 'unfold behind the clouds'?" Max questioned mockingly, causing Chris to laugh.

"Yeah, but you're butchering it, so could you please stop?" Dustin pled.

"So then join in, Dusty-bun!" Chris jokingly blew him an air kiss as Max finished tied off Chris's braids. Chris, still sitting in front of Max, leaned back so that her head was resting against Max's shoulder.

"Yeah, come on, Dusty-bun, why don't you join us?" Max agreed.

"You guys are so funny," Dustin said sarcastically, "you should be on Carson."

"Can't we just hear your rendition?" Max begged.


"Please? Just one verse?"

"No! No way! It's reserved for Suzie's ears and Suzie's ears alone."

Chris turned her head to make eye contact with Max before grinning.

"Turn around! Look at what you see!" They started singing again. This time, Dustin gave them the middle finger, waving it around to the tune of the song.

"Stop, you guys! Please, shut up!" He whined.

Eventually, Max and Chris got tired of singing and decided to get back to work, packing up the living room. 

Although Chris was happy at the moment, it was a sad day for her and all of her friends. 

"I'm gonna go see if Mrs. Byers needs any more help..." Chris trailed off as she stood up.

Max shot Chris a small smile as Chris walked out of the room and down the hallway to Mrs. Byers's room. She walked in to see Joyce sitting next to Hopper's old uniform, reading some piece of paper. 

Chris lightly knocked on the door, drawing Joyce's attention from the paper to Chris. 

"Hey, Mrs. Byers. Need any help?" Chris asked.

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