Season Two Epilogue

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(The dress in the media is Chris's Snow Ball dress!)

It was about a week before the Snow Ball and about two months after El closed the gate

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It was about a week before the Snow Ball and about two months after El closed the gate. Both Chris's nose and arm had healed quickly, leaving no permanent damage, yet Chris was freaking out. She had nothing to wear to the dance, hell, she didn't even own a single dress.

She made her way out of her room and shyly knocked on Nancy's door.

The older girl opened to door and was mildly surprised to see her younger sister standing there.

"Hey, so, uh... this is kind of embarrassing... but, will you help me?" Chris stammered out.

"With what?" Nancy chuckled slightly at how much Chris was blushing.

"I have nothing to wear – you know – to the Snow Ball. And there's... uh... there's this one person who I'm really trying to make a good impression for but I don't own any dresses or makeup or anything."

Nancy smiled excitedly at the chance to take her sister shopping to impress someone for the first time. Sure, the two of them weren't bonding over boys, but in the long run, it didn't matter.

The next day, Nancy and Chris hit about five different stores trying to find the right dress.

Chris finally found the perfect dress in the fifth store they went into.

It was a knee-length, long-sleeved, blue velvet dress that had a heart-shaped cut out in the back. Chris has managed to convince Nancy to not buy shoes, instead opting to were her sneakers instead.

Soon enough, the day had arrived.

Nancy started helping Chris get ready an hour before the dance, helping her curl her hair and apply just the right amount of makeup to help enhance the young girl's natural beauty.

Chris topped it all off with a homemade flower crown as she left Nancy's room, running into Mike in the hallway as they both were heading downstairs.

"Wow," Mike spoke. "You look really beautiful, Chrissy. Max is going to take one look at you and fall head over heels."

"Oh shut up, dingus. I'm just going to have a fun time tonight, not to impress Max," Chris straight up lied.

Mike jokingly rolled his eyes, and although Chris could be annoyed at him sometimes, she was glad to have her brother back. She felt like she had lost a year of their relationship when El disappeared, but now that she was back, Mike was back to his normal, non-moody self. Well, as non-moody as a thirteen-year-old boy can get.

As the two of them made it to the bottom of the stairs, their mother made them stop for pictures.

The two twins rolled their eyes and complained the whole time before Nancy finally decided that they needed to leave.

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