Chapter One: Suzie, Do You Copy?

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"your touch is electric, i'm so obsessed, i die when you say my name"

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"your touch is electric, i'm so obsessed, i die when you say my name"

JULY 1985

"Dude, come on. It's not that hard. You just get on and push," Max tried to reason with her girlfriend, Chris.

It had been about half a year since El closed the gate, and Max decided it was as good a time as any to teach Chris how to skateboard.

Okay, more like Chris begged Max to teach her.

It was the summer before freshman year, and Chris really wanted to make a badass first impression at school.

"Yeah, I get the concept. My brain just has a hard time telling me feet what to do. If you haven't already noticed, I'm not very coordinated," Chris joked at Max, grabbing the skateboard from her hands.

She placed the board down on the ground and placed her right foot flat on it, slowly pushing off the ground with her left. As she started to pick up speed, she gained a little more confidence and pushed a bit too hard. Chris's legs wobbled as she lost control of the board and ended up flying off of it, rolling roughly on the hard street.

"Oh shit! Are you okay?!" Chris heard as she eventually rolled to a stop.

Chris groaned and pushed herself off of her stomach and to a sitting position.

"Holy crap! That's gnarly!" Max exclaimed, gesturing to Chris's face.

It was then that Chris felt a great stinging sensation over her left eye and cheek, as well as on both of her elbows and knees.

Road rash for sure.

"Shit. That hurts," She admitted with a chuckle.

"Come on, loser. Let's get you cleaned up."

Max grabbed Chris's hand and hoisted her up, so she was standing before helping her inside.

Chris loved hanging out with her girlfriend, but very rarely did the two hang out at the redhead's house.

After being attacked by Billy last October, Chris was terrified to even be in the same house as him, so the couple only hung around Max's if they could ensure that he wouldn't be home.

Max lead Chris inside the house and into the bathroom where she grabbed out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, a washcloth, and some bandaids.

Chris sat on the bathroom counter as Max poured the cleansing liquid onto the washcloth.

"Okay. This is gonna sting. Trust me, I know from experience," Max warned.

"It's alright. I can take it. May I remind you that in the past I've had a concussion, and a broken nose and broken arm the same ni – SHIT! That hurts!" Chris started to defend herself before crying out in pain from the peroxide.

Strawberries and Cigarettes // Max Mayfield x girl OCWhere stories live. Discover now