Chapter Eight: The Battle of Starcourt

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as tears came rolling down my face, you left my world without a trace

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as tears came rolling down my face, you left my world without a trace

As El continued to wail out in pain, Chris sat by her and squeezed her hand. It wasn't much help, but at the moment, it was the best Chris could do.

"What is that?" Erica asked, referring to the creature moving beneath El's skin.

"There's something in there," Mike pointed out.

"Well, thanks, captain obvious," Chris lightly smacked his arm.

"Keep her talking," Jonathan suddenly got up. "Keep her awake, okay?"

He ran off to the other side of the food court and came back a few minutes later, holding a wooden spoon and a sharp kitchen knife.

"You know, it's not actually that bad," Robin spoke up. "There was a... the goalie on my soccer team, Beth Wildfire, this other girl slid into her leg, and the whole bone came out of her knee — six inches or something. It was insane."

"Robin?" Steve interrupted.


"You're not helping."

"I'm sorry!" She immediately muttered.

"Okay, El?" Jonathan set up his supplies. "This is gonna hurt like hell, okay?"

"Okay," El sobbed.

"I need you to stay real still. Here," he handed her the wooden spoon, "you're gonna want to bite down on this, okay?"

Jonathan brought the knife to El's leg and cut into it. The sight of flesh cutting and the sound of El screaming was too much for Chris, and she had to run to the nearest trash can to throw up.

Finishing hurling, she wiped her mouth and felt a hand rubbing her back.

Chris turned around slowly to see Robin standing behind her, comforting her.

"Wow, didn't know there was anything left in you that you could throw up," Robin joked, trying to make the younger girl feel better.

"Believe me," Chris chuckled dryly, "that was one hundred percent stomach acid."

Robin wrapped an arm around Chris' shoulders, and the two of them walked back to the group where El was using her powers to remove the creature from her leg.

Blood was dripping down both of her nostrils. She gave one last yell of pain, shattering the windows behind them, as she finally flung the creature.

It slid across the floor and was attempting to run away before a man's shoe stomped on it.

Chris brought her gaze upwards and was met by Hopper, Joyce, and a man she had never seen before.

The trio was a bit beat up but was otherwise in good shape, and Chris was ecstatic to see that.

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