Chapter 2

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After what happened in the ring. I ran back to the house and did some punches on my punching bag. I punched it until my hands felt raw and numb from pain. The next day to school I went with bandages on my hands that weren't even bandaged properly.

I really should work on that.

I sighed as I kept walking towards my locker. I spoke to the principal about yesterday and she said it was okay. Our principal was a good person that much I could tell. Taking out my Calculus books the locker was abruptly shut nearly cutting my head off too.

"What the hell?!!"

What is wrong with the leech? She nearly cut my head off. I was pretty sure that yesterday I made it clear for her to stay away from me. Either she was dumb or dumb.
 I glared at the queen bitch while noticing her two sidekicks with her. One is a red-haired girl wearing the same clothing type as her 'leader'. The other is a guy, a typical blonde jock, judging from the varsity jacket he was wearing and bulging muscles.

 I see where this is going.

"You thought that you can get away with what you said yesterday?!" 

She laughed a dry laugh before proceeding her dramatic gestures.

"No. I will make sure that you don't step out of the line again when you're talking to Kaitlyn."

Kaitlyn warned me with such hate in her eyes, and her sidekick nodded her agreement. The jock was still standing aside with a stupid smirk on his face. He was clearly enjoying the cat fight. 

Me? No, not really.

I attempted to walk away just like yesterday, but I heard Kaitlyn saying something as Makayla. Then, Makayla was blocking my way with her arms wide open on each side. Why? Why can't she just leave me alone? I didn't want to do this. She was forcing me to do the only thing I'll regret later. Damn her, crazy bitch! I just wanted a normal high school life.


I mentally laughed at myself. When did I ever get a normal experience at something? I should have known better, but there will always be this tiny idiotic hopeful side of me that one day I will have a normal experience in life.

Yeah right!

The voice in my head mocked me and laughed again. It reminded me of how naive and weak I was. This only thought caused my blood to boil with rage.

Calm down. Breathe Alex breathe. She's not worth it.

"Oh, are you gonna cry now?"

In. Out. In. Out

Just breathe Alex. Count till 100.

I tried every possible way to calm down but the laughing and mocking were getting louder and louder with each passing second. It was blocking all my senses to calm down so I snapped.


I was breathing heavily by now as my vision blurred for a Mississippi second and came back. Makayla whimpered in fear the moment our eyes locked and scattered away. However, Kaitlyn was not done yet. She ordered the jock to hold me back but I swung my fist in his abdomen. He backed down and moved away, panic clear in his eyes.

"Your eyes are red! You-you freak!"

My whole face paled as she screeched the following words.

No no no no no no.

This was not supposed to happen. No, just no. Terror crawled into me causing my body to react in the most awful way. I shook furiously. The demons were running after me, chasing me, hunting me. I ran away. I ran but to no avail. Darkness swallowed me and everything crashed down. It was too late.

They saw them.

They saw my freaky eyes.

She couldn't grasp the cruel reality. Why did life hate her? Why was it difficult to live normally? Those eyes were the very same reason for every single problem in her life, for every single moment of misery in her life. She let her time wander to the memories while she stood there, in the middle of the hallways next to a scared jock and a frightened queen bitch, as they gawked at her and tried to wrap what the hell was wrong with her eyes.

Students seemed to be oblivious to what was happening. Yeah, life threw the trouble at her and then continued naturally as if nothing happened, leaving her stuck in this time-lapse as the memories kept playing in front of her like a broken record. She just wanted to disappear into thin air, just vanish into thin air and never come again. She just wanted a break. Was that too much to ask for?

He stood there with his mouth striking the ground as he stared at the red-eyed girl. He kept repeating to himself that he was imagining it. Archer chanted this sentence in his head but the girl didn't evaporate with a poof as he expected her too. His thoughts wandered off to where he saw her. She looked familiar, very familiar. He raked his brain for answers but was cut off when he heard a deafening scream in the hallways.

"FREAK!! S-stay away! Don't look at me! Don't- Oh god oh god, I'm sooo sorry! Just-Just Don't look at me with those eyes!"

The blonde kept backing away slowly and screaming at the red-eyed girl to stay away. It was cruel. Even though her eyes were...unique in a way. She didn't have to call her freak. However, that didn't stop blonde here from making a scene in the hallways. Students started to pile up to see what was going on. Archer thought that this was bad. The red-eyed clearly did not want to become the aberration of this school. He wanted to walk away. He wanted to fucking mind his own damn business. But he just couldn't. Damn his helping nature.

Without knowing what the hell he was doing he hopped directly into the scene.

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