New Year's Special!

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Alex's PoV

"For the hundredths time Archer, I'm not going!"

I feel my resolution wavering when his face falls, but I remind myself that this is for the greater good.

"But I wanted to celebrate New Year with you!"

His green eyes are tricky. He can get me to do anything he wants if I stare him in the eye. That's why I busy myself with doing my bed. Even though, it's already done.

"I want that too, but not at a party filled with crazy teenagers"

An image of Archer with that bitch Cassandra at the last party I attended is still clear and haunting. I'm sure she'll be at this party too. She makes it her goal not to miss a patty attended by Archer.

As if he can read my mind, he halts in what he's about to say letting a knowing yet guilty smirk spread across his face, showing me that he regrets what happened. I don't blame him, to be honest. It's not his fault that Cassandra has no morals.

Even when she knows that he's my boyfriend she still keeps up the possessive act.

I mean, he's mine bitch, so fuck off.

"Is this about Cassandra?"

He can totally read my mind.

Feeling relatively relieved that he can't see my features since I'm still pretending to fix the bed, I quickly try to erase any trace of the flinch that slipped when her name was mentioned.

Clearing my throat, I answer with my best tough voice.


I didn't trust myself to say more without showing how much this affects me. I'm not even exaggerating.

I feel two warm, familiar hands wrap around my hands, that I didn't realize balled into fists. Archer's hands try to pry mines open and slide his fingers through mine as he pulls me back into a hug. The moment my back touches his chest, my tense muscles start to relax immediately.

After a moment of silence or two, he whispers ever so slightly.


When I don't respond he turns me around so that his face is only a few inches away from mine.

"I'm sorry"

Guilt eats on my conscience. It's not his fault yet he's apologizing.

He's too good to be true.

I sigh in defeat and blurt out the only thing that comes to my mind.

"I'll go to a party with you"

His face instantly lits up like a kid on Christmas Eve, but then he tries to stifle the grin trying to break free on his face.

"Are you sure? You don't have to. We can go on a date on our own"

Tempting, but no. He already sacrificed so much for me. Now, it's my turn.

"No. It's okay"

I smile trying to reassure him that I'm good and after a second or two he beams and showers me with kisses.

"Thank you, love"

I blush over the nickname. He always calls me that, but I just can't control my blood and stop it from rushing to my face. He chuckles at my embarrassment and tucks my head into his chest.

The hours pass by too quickly for my taste and before I notice we're already at the party.

Archer stayed in his black shirt that puts more emphasis on his vibrant green eyes with dark jeans. This has given him a reason to stay over while I look for an outfit in which he decided to help me with this task.

Every single outfit that I modeled for him got his agreement. I even wore a pajama on to test whether he's paying attention or just nodding for the heck of it and he proved my suspicions to be right when he indeed nodded.

On the other hand, I got his full attention when I was modeling outfits that forced me to step out of my comfort zone, like this outfit I'm wearing.

It's a black crop top that had a neckline lower than what I usually wear paired with a dark pair of shorts and a beige cardigan.

He liked it not only for the heck of it but also because apparently, we were matching which means every single human in the room would know that I'm his and he's mine.

I simply rolled my eyes at that.

Now here I am, squeezing the hell out of Archer's hand so I wouldn't poke Cassandra's eyes out. Eyes that are raping my boyfriend right now.

I let out a curse when she tugs her nonexistent dress higher keeping her eyes trained at Archer the whole time. She has no shame. I bet that after a few seconds she'll be full-on masturbating just for Archer. Even though, he's not even looking her way she still has the nerve to do that. She's so fucking desperate it's not even funny. My eyes are seconds away from changing to red. They keep on flashing and if it wasn't for the lights in the room, people would have seen them.

"Hey. HEY! Alex, look at me... Look at me"

I wrench my murderous glare away from Cassandra and turn back to Archer. His green eyes force me to take a deep breath and chill a little.

He looks like he's considering something before he shakes his head and tugs at my hand. I give him a questioning look and then realize what he's implying when he pats his lap.

For a moment, the fact that he wants me to sit on his lap doesn't click but when it does, my face heats up instantly and I'm shaking my head frantically.

There's a big crowd around us and it doesn't matter if they're drunk, I'm not a fan of PDA, unlike Archer who uses every chance he can to sneak a kiss or a hug in public.

However, even though I'm shaking my head, I let him pull me into his lap with my head resting on his chest and his hand twirling a strand of my hair.

Maybe it's the way Cassandra's acting or the tequila shots that I drank that let me relax and enjoy it. Whatever it is, I don't care.

He tugs at my hair a little causing me to back away. In the blink of the eye, his lips are on mine, desperate and intense. I kiss him back with all that I have got.

That's when we hear everyone counting.

"10... 9...8...7..."

Archer and I pulled away and grinned at each other as we counted with the others.


Happy New Year was heard from the crowd and at that exact moment, I pulled Archer's face close to mine and kissed him on the forehead.

"Happy New Year"

He grinned back at me and wrapped his arms securely around my petite form.

"Happy New Year, love"



New Year, new start!

I hope you guys enjoy it to the max!


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