Chapter 22

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Alex's POV


I have never been so delighted in my entire years of living to finally step into this house. The old house where I live.

I have no time to lose though. I need to let off some steam. I changed into a black hoodie with matching black sweatpants and headed out to the fighting ring.

The fighting ring was the same as always. Same crowd, same illegal shit. My eyes scanned the crowd for Jones and when I finally found him he had his cold mask on and was talking to some other bulky people, most likely business dealers. I waited for them to finish and leave. They passed right past me when they did and of course not before throwing me nasty glares.

Ha! As if I give a shit!

On my way to Jones, I noticed that he looked stressed which is weird because that man knows what he's doing and what the hell he's dealing with. He's always composed and has everything under control. But now

If it's even possible, he seemed to stress more when he saw me.

So this means one thing.

"What's wrong?"

Even though I fully know what's wrong I wanted Jones to tell me. He always told me.


See! He always

He didn't tell me.

Damn must be worse than I thought.

"Who were these men Jones?"

He composed his posture to cool and collected. It would have fooled the sharpest eyes of business dealers out there but not my eyes.

"Just the usual"

Short answers.

I gave him a deadpan look. A look that told him I was not buying this bullshit. He sighed in defeat knowing that there's no way he could escape my sharp eyes.

"These people desire you Alex but it's not the usual. I refused of course but they are persistent and they fight dirty. They said they will get what they want one way or another. They have the money, the control in this world... they're on the top. They can close this ring if they really wanted to...I-I'm just worried about you Alex. You're like a daughter to me."

"Thanks, Jones But you of all people should know that I can defend myself perfectly fine."

It's true that Jones doesn't know about the fact that my eyes change color but he of all people knows about my fighting skills. I've known Jones for a long time because, just like me, he moves around every once in a while so that's why I move to where he's moving the ring.

"I know but these people are bad news. Stay away from them."

As if they can touch me...[Insert eye roll here]

I thank Jones for his concern and tell him about my need to fight. He directly puts me up and this time it's against a man.

We're in the ring, waiting for bets to be placed when my eye connects with very familiar green eyes. I gasp slightly when I see that Archer is the holder of these eyes and he's staring intensely at me from across the room.

I feel a pang in my chest as I quickly divert my attention away from these eyes. I clench my fists so hard to the point that my nails are digging into my palms and drawing out blood.

It's the same pain from before...But why? Why?!!

Now I really need to punch something or most preferably someone.

Finally, Jones tells us that we're good to go. This time the man I'm fighting is not judging me. He knows who I am. I see fear flicker into his eyes but he quickly masks it with determination. However, I already saw it. His hands are clenched tightly and there's sweat on his forehead.


I see his legs moving to the side but then they stop abruptly for way too long and then he moves them to the other side.


Now the final step.

Bold determination.

He takes an abrupt step towards me. His movements are obviously being controlled by his nervousness. He tries to land a direct hit on my face but I quickly backflip and dodge it. He doesn't take a step back and prepare for another attack instead he charges straight at me which was a huge fat mistake because I was ready for a counter-attack and he's not defending himself.


I quickly land a punch on his stomach and he flies back from the impact landing on his back. I kick him again and again. Then I straddle and pin him down to the ground by twisting his hand behind his back. He quickly taps three times signaling his defeat.

Too easy.

We shake hands and I collect the money from Jones. Some fighters came and congratulated me and others gave me nods of respect. Some gave me vicious stares but it's not like I give a flying fuck about them.

I totally forgot about Archer, but then he came up to me and smirked. My heart jumped from his nearness and I nearly had a heart attack from this smirk. I was about to tell him what the hell does he want but he said two words that had me burning because he said them in a way that showed how full and sure of himself he was and people like that piss me off. He was underestimating me and I won't just sit back and allow it.

"Fight me."

I'll prove him wrong.

I gave him my own smirk and chuckled a humorless chuckle. I think my eyes flashed purple as I said.

"You're on"

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