Chapter 3

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Archer POV

As I stared, realization finally hit me like a huge fucking train. That short and flat build, these brown hair and hazel eyes with a cute nose. I could never forget these cute traits.

It's her. It's Woods.


"Pineapple on Pizza! No way dude! Gross!"

I tried to tune out of this boring conversation as much as I could. As I admired my surroundings I knew it was just like every illegal underground fighting. Large people getting high on marijuana and cocaine, others on alcohol. The smell of smoke drenched this place and made a fog so thick that I was sure everybody was high even though they weren't drinking nor smoking. The crowd seemed aggressive and ignorant of what will happen if they ever got caught. They were living their lives without a care in the world.

Oh, how I wish I could be like that.

But I could not. No matter how I tried hard to just enjoy it while it still lasted, I couldn't. Doubts always found a way to creep into my mind. It made me hesitant and not sure of what I should do. It made me fear the unknown, the oblivion.

Since I was a six-year-old kid, I always wanted to know what was happening around me. I always asked many "Why?" and "how?" Everybody has found it annoying but I just couldn't keep a leash on my mouth. They found it weird and creepy, unusual, and unexpected. So they distanced their selves. They kept away from me at all costs. My friends at school would call me names, names that I didn't want to list right now, words that I could never forget.

Suddenly everything around me seemed to have calmed down. I looked around trying to indicate what the hell did happen to cause this zoo to become so calm. I caught where everybody was pointing at and then I saw her.

I saw how her tiny feet stomped with every small step she took. I saw how her legs were so small and her build was straight with no curves or whatsoever. She was so tiny and what would be described as adorable, that for a second I just wished to hide her from all those sturdy people staring at her. They looked like they were going to eat her any second as they gawked at her. However, she still radiated this confident aura from around her that made it seem like she was fierce instead of cute.

Oh, who am I kidding? This girl still looks cute no matter what, even when she looks ready to snap a neck in a half.

I ignored my ridiculous consciousness. I was in no mood to have an internal debate with my self. I continued to watch her movement as she strode to Jones and started exchanging a few words with him. Suddenly Jones took the microphone and yelled through it.

He fucking yelled... Into a fucking microphone.

"Woods is here again and she's here for a fight! Who's up for it?"

My mind sprinted with hundreds of more riddles about this girl.
First of all her nickname is Woods.
Second, he said again which meant she was never new here, that meant she has done this before. How? She would clearly die if she went to the ring! She's the opposite of those heavy animals. They all looked like wild animals such as lions, tigers, and freaking bears. However she just looked, despite how cliche this would sound, she just looked like an angry cute kitten.

Dammit Archer, don't be a cliche.

The majority of the crowd cheered. They wanted a fight and obviously, they were going to get one. Since a hefty female fella raised her hand and said that she would take her on. I really hoped that Woods survived. Because this girl was twice-oh wait-make that thrice size of her. No one seemed to agree that this girl should be knitting sweaters for cute babies instead of bring here, since the girls were already in the ring and bets have already been placed. I watched them exchange a few words and then the fight started, and all hell broke loose.

The bulky female's name was Snake, since that's what the crowd kept chanting other than Wood's name. Snake quickly swung her fist ready to punch Woods and for a Mississippi second, I thought that the sweet girl was gone for it. 

She was such an adorable little thing. She'll definitely be missed.

But surprisingly and shockingly, Woods ducked swiftly and successfully dodged the punch.

I gaped like a fish out of water just like every other person in the room. What-did-just-happen?

I couldn't help but be fascinated by the way her body just flowed smoothly and swiftly. She had impressive reflexes and the way she held her fist, sure as hell attracted you. Her demeanor demanded the attention of the crowd and that was definitely what she was getting.

Woods was not done yet. After she dodged the punch she quickly straddled Snake and started her feast of punches. She slammed her fists until I was sure that Snake's face would never be the same. It was disastrous. Blood started flowing everywhere especially Snake's face. The crowd went silent. They were horrified and I couldn't blame them. It looked like a blood bath down there.

It was terrifying.

Wood's shoulders were rigid as she jabbed the hell out of Snake. Her own knuckles were red and I was sure it was Snake's blood.

Woods shouted something' but I was too preoccupied to even hear it. Everything was blurry as I studied the fight. This was not normal. It was inhuman. It should stop.

Bloody hell.

Jones seemed to notice how serious this turned out to be because the next thing I knew he was trying to hold Woods off. But she just wouldn't budge. So before even thinking thoroughly about what I was going to do, I reached the ring and held Woods up in the air. All the while she kicked and screamed to let go of her.

However, I didn't let go of her.

Well, not until she butt headed me and ran away.

From that day on, I decided that she was my next riddle to investigate.

After all, she was like the unknown and I hated not knowing.

End of Flashback

What were the chances? Me meeting my riddle here is quite a catch. I would have never guessed that she would be attending this school. It was like fate wanted this for me.

Well then, thank you fate. I'll take this chance.

Before she could even utter a single word, I silenced her and without missing a beat I spoke. I made sure that my voice held authority and gave no place for debate about what was going to be said next.

"Meet me after school"

Without waiting for her to answer and refuse, I walked away but I still couldn't get her face out of my head. It kept popping up at random moments during the day and I wished that she was not so fucking beautiful.

Damn her for being cute.

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