Chapter 8

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After she had composed herself, not that there was anything wrong with the way her eyes changed color, she sighed deeply and for a fleeting moment, I could see the exhaustion on her face.

Tired... Tired of this problem.

However, no matter how hard I tried looking into her, I couldn't see what was wrong with the fact that her eyes were like that. In fact, it was quite the opposite indeed. Those eyes did weird things to me. They intrigued me. It was like they were a deep pool of blood and I was drowning in that blood. It was driving me insane the way my insides twisted and my heart raced as if begging those colorful pools to drown me.

I really am going insane.

I shook my head from these toxic thoughts that were invading my mind. I was here to solve her not fucking lose my mind.

She quickly masked that look of exhaustion with a look of annoyance and walked over the motorcycle. She stood there for a few seconds, and I wondered if she really did not know how to mount a bike because she was afraid of them. And, the longer she stood there the surer I became.

She really did not know how to mount a motorcycle.

I was lost between laughing my ass off or try and calm my heart down when she kicked the motorcycle and clutched her foot as if it hurts.

Oh fuck...

She was too cute. Too innocent that I wanted to rip off someone's throat if they even thought of touching her at the ring or outside it.

I was there and it was not pretty at all. People there were savages but she just looked like she came straight out of some fluffy cloud.

Fluffy, I wonder how it would feel to cuddle with her.

I quickly groaned out loudly causing her to turn around and send me a look that clearly said what the fuck?

And that had been exactly what I was asking myself.

What the fuck?

I wanted to scream at my mind and stop these mad ideas but the more I tried to forget and focus on something else the more the idea stuck to my mind. It was like saying you want to stop thinking about that particular thing but your mind does the opposite.

Now I was really considering to see it for myself.

What would she say if I asked for a hug?

She would think you're insane. Please feel free to SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

Someone stab me, please.

To preoccupy my heart wrecking thoughts I walked towards her and lifted an eyebrow teasingly. She shot me a look telling me to not say a word which I did. And instead, I grabbed her from her armpits and lifted her.

God, she was really light.

Her shouts of protest died down when I placed her on the seat. She refused to look me in the eye as I stared at her. What was I doing? Maybe I was waiting for a thank you or maybe, just maybe, I liked the way she was seated on my bike ready to face her fear with me. Or maybe the selfish part of me knew this was her first ride on a motorcycle and maybe, just maybe, he took pride in it.

I shook my head again. I seemed to be doing this a lot lately. What did it matter if it was her first time or not?! Why did I feel some sense of pride in it?

What the hell was she doing to me? Causing me all this confusion. I hated it.

I hated how her hazel eyes looked like honey so sweet yet if you touched the bees will be there to sting you.

I hated how her eyes swept me off my feet and showed me a vulnerable part of her that I felt like it should only be shown to me.

I hated how her voice was like a lullaby to my ear. So smooth that it would put you at ease and peace with yourself.

I hated how she was so small that it made me fear for her well being in the ring. Even though I knew I shouldn't. She could defend herself.

I hated how her brown silky hair looked so smooth that it made the tips of my fingers itch to just run them through it.

I loathed myself at the moment for the conflicting feelings that were surging through my veins begging to be explained in some way, begging to have a justification as to why all of this was happening to me.

It couldn't be love. I didn't know the girl only for yesterday. I couldn't love her. Not yet. Love took time. You can't just fall in love with her on the spot. There was nothing called love at first sight.

However, my thirst to know WHY? was clawing on my whole being. I was always a guy that needed to explain everything.

The havoc inside of me was being very hard to justify and I only wanted to punch some wall for not knowing.

I hated not knowing.

I noticed that I spaced out while just staring at the girl in front of me. Luckily though I caught myself in time and got on the motorcycle to start the drive.

"Hang on"

I warned her. However, I did not feel any pair of hands resting on my torso so I knew she was holding the behind of the bike.

Stubborn, cute ass.

"You'll fall like that. Hang on to me"

I heard her scoff and I thought for a second that I would really have to force her to hang on to me. However, after a few seconds and quite colorful words from her choice, she placed her right hand hesitantly and shakily on my torso.

I was pretty sure that when someone you barely know placed a hand on your clothed torso you wouldn't feel anything.

On the other hand, here I was, just as her hand made contact with my abdomen I felt my muscles tense unintentionally. Her hand was small and shaking. I was pretty sure having her hand there was not supposed to burn but.


It was burning where her hand made contact and I thought it was utterly ridiculous to why my body was reacting this way.

She brought her other hand the same as the first and connected them with each other.

Her hands were shaking reminding me of the fire that crackles its flames all night.

I kicked on the engine hoping that the pleasant sound was going to distract me from this feeling. I was so sure it would work if she didn't tighten her grip on me and it was like adding fuel to the already burning fire.

Oh fuck...

You would think I was acting insane. I wouldn't blame you. I thought I was acting insane too.

She was just hanging on so she wouldn't fall yet here...


Was I freaking turned on? I'm such a pervert.

I swallowed loudly and ignored the feeling again as I started to ride through the streets.

Her chest was pressed to my back and even if she was really flat, it still made me feel hot as fuck.

Her hands were still on my abdomen cutting my air supply but even with that, I didn't think it was because of it.

Pervert stop thinking!

Her head snuggled more into me just under my shoulder and I was about to flinch away as if it burnt me bad. The only problem was that it really did burn. Everywhere she was making contact with burned.

And right now I knew that I was hundreds of steps back to fully understand her and what she was doing to me.

At least I know now how it feels to cuddle with her...

And now that I got a taste... There was no going back.

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