Chapter 12

194 19 1

Alex POV

2 minutes and I'll go.

Ok. I'll stop.

Right now I am in my last class. I am literally counting the 2 minutes left till the bell rings.

Till I meet Blake.

That's right. What happened between Blake and I in the morning was nothing much. I told him to meet me after school and he didn't object. Even though at first he was hesitant but he did. He said he is gonna meet me in the old school building which I have no idea where it is.

My first impression of Blake was not the best. However, he did seem weird in the morning. As if there was something bothering him and he needed to let it out. I kind of relate to him. I have so much rage bottled inside of me, eating me alive, inside out. There is always this urge to just shout at anything and everything, to just let it out.

We both need to let it out.

I could see that Blake was the same in the morning. His posture was stiff when he first approached and when he greeted Archer it was strained. As if he was trying to hold something in. I know this because I notice. I notice way too much. Even the smallest of details are noticed by me. However, it's not something to be proud of.

I hate that I notice everything and anything.

If I didn't notice then I could easily turn a blind eye on anything that I hate, but I notice and sometimes things should be left unnoticed. It's not something I control. I can't. I don't have a say in this.

The say "Ignorance is a bliss" has never been truer.

When did you have a say in anything brat?

The voices. They are mocking me. They are laughing and shouting at me. I don't want to admit but they are right. Truths hurt, but they are right. When did I ever have a say in anything? Everything is beyond my control. Even my fucking eyes are out of my control. My temper is out of control. My whole life is out of control. It hurts. It fucking hurts.

But no one knows. No one feels me. No one understands.

Understand. I have no one to fucking understand me!!


The bell snapped me out of my misery as I rushed towards the door to leave. I am not backing down. I was the one that suggested we meet. And I will not be a coward. I refuse to be a coward.

When I was out of school it was easy to spot some kind of an old building next to it. I walked into it making sure no one was following me. I kept walking under the grey ceiling that looked like it was ready to collapse any second until I reached an opening. I took a deep breath and stepped outside. It was better from the inside, and there he was. Blake standing with his arms crossed looking as bored as ever. As if he had better things to do than meet me here.

Maybe he does have better things.

The leaves crunched underneath me as I approached him. We stood there for a second until he decided to break the silence.

"So where is he?"

What? Who the hell was he talking about??


He sighed impatiently and muttered something like better and to do.

"Your stupid brother that will retaliate for you?! Where is he??"

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