Chapter 39

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Alex's PoV

I can't believe he's doing this.

I watch in absolute horror as the match starts and Archer makes no move to attack.

I can't believe he's doing this.

Jerk's face, who calls himself Big D, takes Archer's lack of movement as his big chance to send his fist flying into Archer's face.

I wince and unintentionally step forward. I'm at the front row, if I step any closer I would be able to climb on the ring. But, fortunately, before that happens Blake who's standing next to me, places a hand on my shoulder, preventing me from moving.

Boos and other cheers are heard from people, but the majority has bet on Archer so their disappointment is showing through their screams. However, Archer seems composed and as cool as a cucumber. He wipes his lips and stands straight again.

"Are you going to fight or do you prefer to be my punching bag?!"

I hear Jerk's face snarl but Archer's face stays empty and void.

Jerk face charges at Archer again like a fucking bulldozer straight into Archer's abdomen. A horrifying scream, that I didn't realize I'm capable of releasing, startled Blake and now both of his hands are on my shoulder blades as I struggle to move forward.

Stop. Please stop.

Fight! Dammit!

Archer is standing up again, but his movements halt and he stares right at me in shock.

Bruises are starting to form where he was punched and his nose is bleeding.

He looks horrible.

He knows that I care. He knows that I fucking care. Then why is he doing this? Why does he want me to say it when he already knows?


I watch feeling absolutely useless as he gets up and gives me one of his heart-melting grins causing my heart to nearly burst right out of my chest.

That jerk has the nerve to smile while he's being beaten to a pulp.


Before completely standing to his full height, Jerk's face kicks his shin and he falls right back to the floor. I force a fist into my mouth to prevent myself from screaming but the tears are already falling like a waterfall.

I feel my vision blurring for a Mississippi second and that's when I realize that my eyes changed to red.  I can feel it when it happens.

Fuck me.

What will I do? Blake is staring at me like I'm some alien from another planet. His jaw is unhinged and I wouldn't be surprised if it fell to the ground. I turn my face to lower it so my eyes won't show but before that, Archer's gaze meets mine.

He stands, finally getting serious, and punches Jerk face square in the face, causing him to stumble and fall.

Oh, now he's serious?

However, that's the last thing on my mind. I'm panicking and Blake seems to have gone in a shocking state since he's neither moving nor saying a thing.

People haven't noticed yet but it won't be that long before someone sees them.


Archer's voice snaps Blake out of it. He seems to understand that no one can see me like this. He gives me a hoodie, which is Archer's one that he left before going up to the stage with Blake, and it's tall enough to cover my eyes. He then carries me bridal style and starts moving.

The voices become more distant until they suddenly disappear. He puts me down and when I look up, I realize that we're in a deserted room.

I pull the hoodie down and Blake's eyes follow the movement until they settle on my own red eyes.

He looks so shocked and confused. Like he couldn't believe that my eyes are red. I turn my back to him because I don't like it. I don't like people staring at them.

I wipe my eyes and try to calm down. Archer is taking lead again. He'll be fine but he has so many injuries. They may slow him down.

It's all my fault.

If only I told him that I care about him and I don't want him to be beaten. He would have fought seriously and won the match.

Silence hangs in the air and I nearly forget that Blake is here until he talks again.

"So... Your eyes are red"

Thanks for stating the obvious, captain obvious.

But I don't say that. He's lost, I don't blame him.

"Umm Yeah, You can't tell anyone. Please..."

I add the last part quietly but since the room is silent he must have heard me.

"Yeah, I won't tell anyone. You can trust me"


"Yeah, I trust you"

I can't see his expression and that's how it should be so he won't see my red eyes.

Yes, I trust Blake. He stood up for me when that bitch came and started screeching nonsense. Even though I'm totally capable of putting her in her place, he still defended me.

These days that I spent with Blake and Archer made me realize that I trust them. That I see Blake a brother and Archer as a...

How do I see Archer?

Before I can think of it, the door bursts open and Archer comes in panting and heaving. He walks right up to me and pulls me into his arms.

He's sweaty as fuck and bleeding but I don't care. He's here. I need this. I need his comfort. So I don't give a fuck whether he's sweaty or drenched with poop.

"I'm so sorry. If I just went there and fought seriously this wouldn't happen"

Why is he apologizing? It's my fault.

"No, I'm sorry if I just said that I care about you. If I wasn't stubborn like a mule maybe this could have been prevented"

He inhales my hair and exhales softly and my cheeks are on fire. We stay like that for a few seconds until Blake makes his presence known.

"Well, if you're done making babies then let's go somewhere else where we can talk about this. I don't want to be kept in the dark, you know"

I take it back. I don't see him as a brother. He can go die in a hole.

"Yeah, let's go"

"We're not making babies"

My voice is kind of high pitched. Archer and Blake start laughing at me.


They start walking towards the door, but then I remember Archer's wounds and stop them.

"Wait, Archer's wounds need to be treated"

Blake nods and walks out while Archer grabs a nearby chair and sits as I search for an aid kit.

Luckily, there's one in one of the empty old wood cabins in this room.

"This might sting"

I apply alcohol on the cotton and start dabbing his lip. He winces and tries to pull away but I hold his head in place by holding his hair.

His usually light green eyes suddenly become dark green and his breath hitches.



Best friend: She means please vote.

Me: You're no fun.

Anyways, (dodges a fridge that came out of nowhere) thank you for your support people! Love ya!

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