Chapter 7

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Archer's POV

It was official. Brunettes were my type. Sorry, blondies. Find someone else for you.

When our eyes met, I couldn't help but remember how red those eyes were. They had shone with many different emotions yesterday. It was fascinating. They were the fire and I was burning in them.

Awesome Archer, you're turning into a typical living cliche.

Alex was beautiful. She was not the hot kind of girl you see with curves and long tanned legs. She was the cute kind of girl. She was so tiny. I really feared for her. How could she fight with a built like that?

Everything about her screamed innocent and cute. With her baby face and hazel doe-like eyes. However, I knew better than anyone that behind these innocent looks, there was a very strong fighter.

She had a cute button-like nose with freckles all over it and reaching the top of her cheeks complementing the whole cute and innocent look. Her lips were not so full. They were the perfect size and shape.

And they look very kissable.

Nope. Snap out of it!

My stupid hormones decided it would be the perfect time to comment on her kissable lips. While I had been too busy spacing out, those lips were moving indicating that I should really get a grip.


".... So you better give me my necklace."

Great. I missed what she was saying but if she wanted the necklace, I would give it to her. Before when she punched me it fell. So, I took it. It wasn't like I was going to steal it. I was going to return it to her. But, she didn't trust me.

Of course, she wouldn't, jerk.

I basically threatened her about something very important and very dangerous. How can she go around sporting these eyes that can change and not be wanted? I was not dumb. I have a theory that she would be wanted in some kind of lab. Anyways, I don't understand, and that is why I was doing all of this.

I needed to know. She was the only one that would give me answers.

When I first entered the neighborhood I expected it to be the kind of neighborhood that had mansions and fountains in the backyards. Since I know that illegal fighting gets you a lot of money. However, I definitely was not expecting this.

The neighborhood looked poor and very shady. The house was really small. I thought it only contained a room, bathroom, and kitchen. How can she live here with her family?

Unless she doesn't have a family.

It could be possible but she was underage she couldn't live alone. Damn. All of this was really confusing. I should stop trying to solve here without any hints. First, I needed to earn her trust.

I fished in my back pocket for the necklace and got it out. From the relieved look on her face, I knew it was from someone important. She quickly snatched the necklace and glared at me from the corner of her eyes.

God, she can't look scary even if her life depended on it.

She was too cute for her own good. How did she maintain her reputation in the ring was beyond my understanding.

After clasping the necklace behind her neck, she turned to close the door. 

"Let's go"

I made no sign to move. This caused her to be so close to me that her back slightly touched my chest. The apple she had earlier in her hand was now in her mouth as she played with the lock. Her hair, hiding her face, prevented me from seeing her expression. But I knew she was apprehensive with the way her hands shook as she tried to lock the door. Well, I had no problem. She was really close. I could smell her mint like a shampoo scent. My hands itched to place them on her fragile waist, and I hated why I was thinking of all of this.

We only met yesterday, and here I was, feeling weird as fuck all of a sudden.

 She finished fumbling with the locks and pushed past me down the stairs, making sure to bump into my shoulder on the way.

Yep, she's angry.

She was angry. However, when she saw the motorcycle, I thought that angry was an understatement of the year. She halted in her steps and just stood there motionless and calm, very calm indeed. It was creepy.

There were some people like a volcano, so calm you wouldn't know when they were going to explode. Similarly, right now, Alex looked ready to explode like a volcano. She clenched her fists together and it was only a matter of milliseconds before she exploded.

"What is this?! Is this a joke? I never wanted to do any of this!! At least you could have been nice enough to NOT bring that death machine!! BUT NOOO! You just had to bring a motorcycle! You are despicable and you know what?! I was naive enough to think that you would have a tiny drop of kindness within you!"

My eyes widened at her sudden outburst. I should have not provoked the beast.

" You say that I could trust you! LIAR!! ALL OF YOU ARE LIARS!..."

At first, she started yelling with so much bitterness in her mouth.  She tried to stay angry but at the last part her voice cracked and she started shaking. I quickly rushed towards her but she whipped around so fast that I was stunned motionless in my place. She raised her hand in a way to keep me back and when she opened her eyes my insides twisted.

Her eyes... They really are red. And wait a second is the other one blue? So not only red but also blue.

Till now it was still hard to believe all of this. My mind screamed at me to take advantage of this situation as much as I can. My heart was going to burst out of my rib cage and I started sweating.

If it was possible, my eyes widen more when the color of her eyes starts altering between blue, red and golden yellow.


Her eyes made me feel things I never knew I was capable of feeling. One was red and the other was blue and I swear I saw some golden flecks in them. She quickly closed her eyes again as if shielding them from me. Her hand was still in the air and when she spoke her voice was void of any emotion.

"Stop right there. If you come one step closer, I will not hesitate to hurt you. I'm not stable at the moment. Leave me alone."

What? What did she mean by not stable?!

 Suddenly a flashback of what happened yesterday crossed my mind and everything seemed to make sense at the moment. Everything just clicked. I remembered that yesterday when her eyes turned red she was one second away from harming the red head, Maya was it? Well, whatever. 

I will not hesitate to hurt you.

She didn't have any control over it. Her eyes changed on their own, leaving her powerless. She was guarding herself because she felt vulnerable and weak. It's instinct.

As she stood there trying to compose herself, I didn't move an inch from my place just watching her.

And at that moment I realized, I was one step closer to figuring her out.

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