Chapter 33

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Alex's PoV

Tears were streaming down my face by the time he finished.

While he was talking I realized that even if Archer tells me about his past or he does not, it won't matter. I'll leave either way. I have to leave either way. I can't stay too much in this town. After a month or two I'll leave.

I have never come across a place where I made attachments with people and wanted to stay because of them. It was all platonic. People made commitments, friends, family and so on but I didn't. I kept to myself wherever I went. However, this is different, new.

Whenever I think about leaving here, leaving Archer, the more tears start pouring, and now I'm full-on choking with blue eyes.

Warm and familiar arms wrapped around me as I sobbed and choked loudly. Archer held me to his chest even though I'm basically wiping my eyes and nose on it.

My heartbeat danced just like the way Archer's hands danced as he soothingly caressed my hair.

Is this love?

I don't know. I've never felt this way before. I've never experienced a feeling like this. It reminds me of a time where I had someone precious to me. Someone that made me feel the way Archer did. Yet, not the same.

With Archer it's unique. I can tell that much at least.

I step back from the hug and wipe my tears. I only seem to be crying when I'm around Archer.

NO! Don't think pessimistic thoughts. Stay optimistic. You have to tell him about that person just like he told you.

"I had someone that is precious to me. However, he left me just like how my parents left me yet in a different way. It was heartbreaking and there was a time where I blamed him for leaving me all alone against this cruel world, but I eventually stopped."

Archer didn't stop me. I was so grateful. I needed to let it off my chest.

"With him, I thought it was different. He took me in when my parents despised me and didn't want me"

"I was eight when he took me in. It was two years after the lab returned me home. For a few months, I lived in my parents' house. They pretended that my eyes didn't change color, but they hid me from the world. They refused to let me out of the house and when my eyes changed color in front of them, they would panic and call me names. It was like that for a few months but mom couldn't take it. She couldn't accept the fact that I was a freak... "

He was about to interrupt me, but I held my hand up to silence him.

"She killed herself. She committed suicide in the kitchen. She used a gun and killed herself. Just like that, I killed my mother"

Thankfully, Archer did not say a thing. I need to let it out.

"When my mother died, dad couldn't take it. He went crazy after that. Returning home drunk every single night and cursing me out, abusing me..."

I tell everything as if it's all playing in front of me like a horror movie. Archer tries to tell me that I don't have to continue but fuck, I need to let it out.

"He would hit me but it wasn't that bad. No serious injuries. Besides, he would smash things and so on. The neighbors knew what was going on and they raised charges against dad"

"Dad was sent to jail and I was put in for adoption since I had no relatives. ECE would send people to adopt me so they would benefit but I would scream my lungs out whenever anyone came to adopt me. People were scared of me and like that, I remained in adoption for a year"


I was like usual, sitting in the corner while the other kids played and ran around.

A couple came in, holding hands, and smiling lovingly at each other. They went to the reception desk and started talking. They were here to adopt a kid obviously. Tamara, a kind lady that always showed families that came for adoption that I'm here, showed the couple around and like usual she came straight at me with a bright smile yet her eyes were telling me something else. They were pleading me to not resist. However, The couple's smile never did waver as they walked behind Tamara. They reached my special corner and squat in front of me. The girlfriend was beautiful, that much I could tell. She let her hand out for a shake and asked for my name. Other kids would have run and hugged the person right away. But I just stared blankly at her hand then at her face. When they both knew that I won't shake their hands, their smiles wavered.

Step one: accomplished.

Tamara answered for me and said that I was a shy kid. They waved it off. The man asked for my age but I just stared at him. I wouldn't answer. I never did. And if they got too pushy I would scream. That was the plan. After a few failed attempts they would leave.

However, with old man Jordan, it was different.

The day after that an old man, with some wrinkles on his face and a stick came in. He looked to be in his late fifties. Instead of going directly to the reception, he scanned the area. Then dark brown eyes met my hazel ones. He didn't look away. He approached me and even after I screamed till I couldn't breathe anymore, he stayed and listened to my cries. He stayed. He heard my cry. He heard me. After that, I cried and hugged the stranger and that was how he adopted me for seven years.

And then suddenly, he left. I spent the best years of my life with him. He taught me everything that was needed for me to survive on my own. Cooking, bathing, house chores and so on. He was preparing me for the day he would go.

He died.

ECE murdered him.

It was a long day at school and I just came back home but all that I found was Jordan's body hung from the roof.






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