Chapter 27

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Alex's PoV

Jesus... I started it, not him.

I was the one that pecked him on the lips. Oh God, I kissed him. 


My lips tingle and I, involuntarily, raise my fingers and touch my lips scarcely. I quickly remove my hand and shake my head. What the fuck is wrong with me? Archer's looking at me weirdly and honestly, I don't seem to mind the way he's looking at me. In fact, I like it.

I like him.

Gosh, I like him.

I'm falling for him.

And to prove my thoughts furthermore, my heart skips a beat.

God, I can't fall for him! I can't!

He'll quit. Just like everybody quit. He'll leave me alone. He won't stay. He won't remain with me forever. Right now my eyes don't scare him. If he only knew my scarred past. He would be flying out of the door and out of my life faster than I could say stay.


All of my previous doubts about Archer disappearing and leaving me alone seem to vanish into thin air when I meet Archer's intense gaze. His eyes are a clear forest green color. It's fascinating and dangerous how fast I could get lost in his eyes depth and never come back.

"I love you"



My statement came out high pitched. My mind was totally blank. I couldn't think of anything.


He loves me?

And then I did the craziest thing I could ever do in a situation like this.

I laughed.

Not like a small giggle. No. No. I laughed in hysterics, like some mad woman.


I try to contain my laughter but it only lasts for a few seconds and I fall into another round of hysterics. Pain erupts from within me when I see the look Archer is giving me. His eyes are dull and closed up. It's as if he retreated into whatever shell he came out from when he met me.

I don't know when the chuckles turned into silent sobs and tears, but when I bring my hand up to my face, I could feel something liquid on my cheeks.

Tears, I'm crying.

God, I'm a mess. When second I'm laughing and the other I'm crying.

Silent tears keep flowing down from my unblinking eyes. Archer's eyes were bleak and guarded before changing into a softer shade of green. He leans in towards me and I do absolutely nothing to stop him. He starts rocking me silently, but I'm as still as a stone.

"You-You can't love me."

He leans back and starts wiping off my tears as he asks me.

"And why not?"

The wind blows softly from my window and the quietness of the place is eerie and comfortable. I don't know how that is possible.

Yeah Alex, Why can't he love you?

I can't trust that he won't give up on me.

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