Chapter 5

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Alex POV

When I got out of my last class the school was deserted.

Of course, it would be deserted.

I didn't know how much time I spent inside that room, searching for the most important thing in my life that was keeping me sane all these years. My necklace fell in the middle of the class, only when the bell rang I noticed it was not on my neck. I was about to have a full panic attack but I saw it just under my desk on the floor.

This necklace was so important to me. It wasn't gold or anything but its place in my heart is gold. It was a simple necklace that consisted of a stone that glowed different colors under the light. It was remarkable and I got it from someone remarkable too.

The necklace helped me calm down in the most nerve-wracking situations. It was my anchor and salvation during all these nights when I was deprived of sleep. I would clutch it as if my life depended on it, which in a way it did. I can't even begin to express my relief when I found it.

Now, where was I supposed to meet the mysterious guy again? He didn't mention a place.

Was I just supposed to wander around lost?

I was engrossed too much into my thoughts that I didn't note that I was already in the parking lot. I was about to continue strolling when I caught a figure out of my peripheral vision leaning on a motorcycle.

It's the mysterious guy.

The image of him helping me in the hallways popped in my mind and I groaned unintentionally. I really didn't want to owe him anything. I could have handled it well.

He was already gazing at me, trying to see whether I will run away or confront him. If he thought that I was going to freak out then let him think again.

Pun fully not intended.

I clutched my necklace one more time before I started walking toward him. I put on my brave mask to show him that I wasn't intimidated by him. As I got closer and closer I could see he was wearing a white t-shirt that hugged his muscles perfectly and dark jeans with a leather jacket. He looked-

Absolutely hot, yum, and delicious.

Nooo! Absurd conscience! I was going to say badass Yes. He looked badass.

As if that's any better. 

And tall.

Now I was standing in front of him. I looked like Smurfit. He was massive and I was average, not short of course.

Damn him for being tall.

Apparently, I said that loud because the next thing he was answering me. And boy his voice sounded very familiar, husky and calming. Where did I hear that voice before?

"No, you're short"

Oh, No he didn't! You don't insult anyone's height. You just don't. Isn't it a general rule or something?

"I'm NOT short. I am average!"

Apparently, for him, this situation was very amusing. He looked quite entertained but as if getting down to business,  he cocked his head to the side and within seconds his gaze became sharp and intense. As if he was trying to figure me out and observe right through me. It was making me uneasy and I worried that if I remained any longer under his scorching gaze he would unravel all my secrets.

"What's your name?"

I didn't give him an answer directly because I was still distracted and anxious about the way he was peering at me.

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