Chapter 13

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Archer PoV

I forced my feet to run as fast as they could before Alex would tumble in a heap on the ground. However, I was not fast enough. I watched as her body crashed down on the gr- Blake.

Blake was in front of her now. He had her in his arms so she didn't crash. I sighed in relief and continued walking until I reached him. Now that I was close he had a look of respect in his eyes as he stared at her, but it quickly vanished when he detected me. He didn't say anything. He just pushed Alex towards me and left.

I stared for a couple of seconds behind me then turned to the unconscious girl in my arm. She fainted. But why? However, the question that has been bugging me all the time.

Did he see her eyes?

I doubt. I came late. I didn't know what happened between them but when I came I just saw Alex swaying and then she fell. I sighed loudly as I carried her in my arms to get her home.

What was she thinking?

So this is what they were doing?


I sighed loudly and continued to glance at her as I walked to my car (a car that I keep on the school grounds for emergencies). She was painfully beautiful and she did not see that. She was so tiny! It was adorable. Suddenly, she frowned as she began to stir in my arms. I thought she was going to wake up. So, I stopped and held my breath.

I really really did not want her to wake up.

Okay, that sounded horrible.

I was hoping to carry her more, which is very weird. Why? Why did I want to hold her more was beyond me.

God, she was warm.

My heart started to beat faster the longer I stood there in the middle of the parking lot ogling her. A very cozy feeling burst through my veins when she snuggled closer into my chest. And when her grip tightened on me. I felt as if I was hit by a lightning bolt right here and there.

Fuck. She's so cute.

However, when she started to snore, I snorted. I can't believe she fell asleep. She seemed very peaceful. When she was awake she always seemed to be trying hard, trying too hard. As if she was trying to hide something. I mean, of course, she is hiding her secret, but there is something else. She always kept a frown on her face no matter how small it was.

Damn it. It's that feeling again.

Before the urge to just stay here and eye her as a creep grew, I shook my head and continued walking until I reached my car. Opening it, I placed her in the passenger seat. She shook in it but kept sleeping. I walked into the driver's seat and moved to drive. I know where her house is so I was planning to take her there. Maybe someone of her family would be there.

Finally, I park my car in front of her house. With Alex in my arms, I knocked, but the lights were all out. Maybe they're not here. With difficulty, I searched for the keys in Alex's backpack and unlocked the door. I was greeted with a small hallway that had 2 doors only at each side.


It looks like only one person can live here. Maybe my theory was right about her living alone. As I walked I noticed the first door closed. I opened it. It was a room that carried no signs of someone living here. It was very neat. The walls were a creamy color and the furniture was wood. The bed was tidy and the color of the bed sheets was white. It was simple. No pictures or frames. No books. Nothing that showed someone lived here. The house looked dead from the outside and the inside.

I placed her softly on the bed and covered her up. Then I got up and walked around the room but something caught my eye. I edged slowly to the door on the side and opened it. It was just a bathroom. I entered like the creep I was, took the shampoo and smelled it. It was just like how Alex smelled.

Can you get any creepier, Archer?

After realizing that I really am acting like a creep I walk out, planning on just waiting on the edge of the bed for her to wake up, but just when I stepped a foot into the room , I was knocked down to the floor from behind. Someone was on me and my hands were being held on my back as my face kissed the ground.

In pain, I groaned, "What The Fuck?!"

The person on my back stiffened and then his hold on me lessened.

"Archer?..." A sweet naive voice calls my name and it takes me a moment to break out of the trance I was put in to answer her.

"Alex! What the hell are you doing?"

She quickly let go of me and straightened up. I noticed how she avoided eye contact with me at any cost and how she hid her hands behind her back.

"What do you have?"

She tensed again and started to laugh nervously. She waved a hand in front of her face and mumbled.

"What? I have nothing."


My voice held a warning tone in it, but she refused to budge. I took three menacing steps towards her and she backed up immediately hitting the wall. The door was just next to her so before she could escape I trapped her between my arms. The thing was still behind her. 

She really did not want me to see.

I reached and snatched one hand from behind her back, pinning it to the wall above her head. I reached for the other and felt a cold metallic surface on my hand. I clutched it, not so hard, and removed it.

It was a gun.

I could only stare wide-eyed at the gun in my hands. My mind went blank and I couldn't think of anything right now. Abruptly, she stepped closer to me. She snugged her hands under my leather jacket, clutched the back of my shirt, and buried her face in my chest, just above my heart.

I tensed. I couldn't bring my body to hug her back. No matter how much it wanted to just hold her like this all the time. Instead, I laid my head on the top of hers and that was when the sound of a sob wrecked the silence between us.

The sob was a voice of pain that pierced my heart and it also sounded as if she was choking on it, trying to keep it in. That was all needed for me to pull her closer, and bury my face in the crook of her neck, causing her head to be on my shoulder.

Then she started...

"I-sob- I - choke....."

I gently rubbed her back and told her to stop. After a few minutes like that, she calmed a little and started again.

"I- I live in a shitty neighborhood!! (More crying) I thought you- you- were a thief or a rapist here...(more choking sounds)..."

She crumbled in my embrace and we fell together to the floor as she whimpered harder.

" I was just trying to protect myself".

I was just trying to protect myself.

The words played in my brain like a broken record. And my heart painfully squeezed as if it was being stabbed over and over again. I held her closer to me protectively and whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

"I'm here"

"It's okay, cry."

"I got you"

"I'll protect you"

And at that moment, I never wanted to abandon this shattered girl in front of me ever again.

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