Chapter 14

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Alex POV

Everything seems to be falling apart lately.

Just in two days, I managed to screw up everything. Four people know about my secret and now one of them is here, in the small house I live in. It's not home. I had a home but I lost it and nowhere else could be home. Home is somewhere I feel safe and secure. It's a place where I could find care and love in it. Not a place of two rooms that are void and empty. In this house, I feel so lonely. Even though it's small it feels huge. Huge and vacant.

Deserted. Just like me.

Archer stands in front of me waiting for justification after what happened. He carried me to bed and paused. He didn't ask but I know he's dying to know. There are so many things that don't make sense and they shouldn't make sense to him. It's none of his business so if he's smart enough he will keep that mouth of his shut up. He's just a stranger that I met yesterday.

"Do you live alone?"

I guess he's not smart enough.

"Get out"

Yes, I'm kicking him out.

He stared long and hard for a few seconds, then he sighed and got up. I got up too, to meet him at the door. If he thought that I was going to invite him in and serve him tea then let him think again. I closed the door behind him and leaned against it.

Damn, my head is killing me.

What happened today?

I remember Blake and fighting with him and then everything going black.

Fuck, I fainted in the middle of a fight. Damn it!

Speaking of fainting, it didn't happen much. It only happened when I didn't eat properly. I have a very high metabolism. And today I haven't eaten anything except an apple. I sough from exhaustion and head to the kitchen to eat.

Many things happened since I came to this town. None of them is good. It's tiring and exhausting. If things keep going like this I'll have to change towns. In no time the ECE will find me and I don't plan on going back there.


"Get the subject CC4 it's time for test 101"

"But sir!! The subject is tired if we continue we might lose it!"

"I don't care. Get it! We need those results."

A metallic bed.
Sharp tools and needles.
Pills. Many pills.
Electric waves.
White. White people moving around frantically and then...

End of flashback

I snap out of it and gasp for air. I scanned my surroundings and noticed that I am still in my house, tucked in my bed. I check my phone for the time and it says it's midnight. I put it back under the pillow but not before realizing something. It's the end of the month.



This can NOT be happening. How did I miss it? How? Damn it!

I collect the five blankets in my closet and then run to change out of those light close. I wear a wool shirt and matching pants with thick socks.

Damn it. I'm freezing. It's happening.

I jump, literally jump, into bed and cover myself with the blankets with shaking hands. I'm cold, so cold and damn it I'm not prepared.

Every end of the month, it occurs. The blood in my veins turns ice cold and my whole body freezes from coldness. It's like I'm soaking in a bath of freezing harsh water. I don't know why it happens. It just happens every last day of a month for twenty-four hours straight.

Usually, I would prepare for it. I would make sandwiches and leave them next to me. I would go to do some shopping for food and chocolate. I would have hot chocolate ready for me. I would be wearing more clothes to keep me warm. But now, I have nothing. I can't move my fingers they're freezing. And I can't feel my legs. My stomach and head are killing me. My hands and lips are shaking and I don't know what to do except close my eyes and hope that sleep will overcome me.

Why? Why me?

Archer POV

Alex is not here. She's not in school. I searched for her in classes, in the library, fuck I even entered the girl's toilet but she is not anywhere to be found and it's bugging the fuck out of me. Why? I don't fucking know.

Blake teased me a little for being in a bad mood but when I told him to shut the fuck up and stop with his damn fucking child play surprisingly he did.

Now I'm in class for the first session and my legs can't stop bouncing begging me to move. The teacher is blabbering about something but the words are entering from one ear and leaving from the other. My mind is not here and it's killing me.

Why is she not at school? Did something happen? Was it because of yesterday? Maybe she transferred? Maybe she left town and moved into another place? Maybe she's injured from a fight?

Fuck it all.

I suddenly pushed my desk back causing the whole class to look at me but I don't give a fuck.

"Can I be excused?"

The teacher, being the uptight jerk he was, refused so without a word I left my desk and moved toward the door.

Mr. Richard started shouting

"Mr. Reed! I do not allow you to leave the class!! Come ba-"

His voice was drowned out when I shut the door in his face. In no time, I'm in my car driving to Alex's house.

When I reach I don't even bother to lock the car as I start banging on her front door. But when there's no sound from inside I start shouting.

"Damn it, Alex! Open the fucking door! I know you're in there!"

Again. No sound at all. Before I start freaking out and pulling my hair out of my head a creaking sound and the door opens.

The first things that greet me are blue and yellow eyes.

What the-?

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