Chapter 31

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Alex's PoV

One week.

It's been a week since Archer came drunk into my house, sprouted some nonsense about SpongeBob and apologized the next morning for leaving me.

But of course, I didn't forgive him.

I told him precisely this.

Stay away from me! I'm just asking this one thing and if you truly love me as you claim to, which I highly doubt, you will respect my decision and stay away.

Add some colorful words to that sentence too.

I was so hurt. My eyes were red, blinded with hot white pain. But I fought off the pain with rage and anger.

I'm not weak. I won't give him the satisfaction of seeing me suffering because of him.

I love you.

And then come these three words. They will be the death of me. No matter how many times I punch and punch and punch. I can't get them out of my head. I can't just forget about him!

He's been staying away from me as promised. However, our eyes would meet across the hallway or our hands would brush against each other in the cafeteria.

It was absolutely maddening and driving me insane.

I used to only visit the illegal underground fighting ring a couple of times a week but now, I'm doing it every single damned day, daily bases.

I'm partying more but without the alcohol. I just sit at the party and watch teenagers do shit that they'll regret the next day.

Kaitlyn and her clones can't help but call me a 'freak' when they see me.

To be honest, I'm used to this shit that I don't feel the pain that comes from their harsh words.

All in all, my high school life is shit.

Yesterday I punched some seniors because they were bullying a freshman. Long story short, they got a free ticket to the nurse's office.

Apparently, the principal saw all of what happened on the camera so she didn't suspend me.


She gave me detention saying that she has a strict no violence policy.

Policy my ass.

And let me tell you, she decided that detention for one day is not enough, so she gave me one for a week.


And to add the cherry on the cake, yesterday, a cafeteria food fight has been caused and guess who caused it?!

None other than Archer fucking Reed.

And that's how he just so happened to have the same punishment as me.

Fuck me.

Today is the first day of detention and I'm totally not looking forward to it. If you didn't guess from my overdose use of curse words.

I was skipping towards the detention room. I was in a hurry to finally meet the person that not only caused a cafeteria fight but also caused me a pain that I can't get rid of.

OMG! I'm so excited! I can't wait! That's why I was "skipping" to the detention room.

If you didn't get the fucking sarcasm, here's what's really happening.

I'm fucking dragging myself to that shitty room.

And I can't seem to stop using the word fucking which is fucking frustrating.



I stood in front of the detention room, dreading the fact that I have to go in. Or maybe I can just walk away.

Turning around to leave was a bad idea.

First, I bumped into Archer fucking Reed.

Second, I bumped into Archer fucking Reed.

Third, I bumped into Archer fucking Reed.

Dear Santa, I'll be a good kid this Christmas if you take Archer with you to the North Pole For ten years... Or maybe forever.


Why is he fuck-

Umm... What I mean is,


I level my stare with his eyebrows because God knows that I can't look this boy in the eye without falling apart.

Jeez. Get yourself together woman! He left! So what? I don't care!

If only.

One of his eyebrows quirked up as if silently asking me 'why the hell are you looking at my eyebrows?'

So I awkwardly looked away.

He chuckles quietly to himself as if he finds my humiliation amusing.


I was about to turn around and enter the detention room, but he held my arm and at that moment, I made the mistake of looking him in the eyes. And God they are beautiful. He doesn't deserve to have eyes like these.

"I'm sorry"

Sorry, my ass.

He kept apologizing this week whenever he had the chance to do so but a 'sorry' won't change the fact that he ran away when I told him about my dark past.

They say: don't tell people your best side to make them stay. Tell them your worst side and see who stays.

I did just that, but he didn't stay.

He left. And it still fucking hurts and I don't want it to hurt.

I was about to give him a piece of my mind when he interrupted me and continued.

"I just wanted to protect you. I didn't want you to end up like her"


He must have noticed my confused stare because he sighed almost bitterly which also almost made me want to inch closer to him and comfort him.

"Forget about it"

He let go of my hand and turned around, probably deciding that he wanted to skip detention or he just plain forgot that he has detention.

However, the me that still has emotions for him rushed forward and reached for him. This time I was the one holding his hand and keeping him from moving on. I must have taken him by surprise, I mean I took myself by surprise too. That's why I let go of his hand like it was on fire.

He stopped but he's not facing me. I asked anyway.

"Who's her?"

I should have just minded my business. 

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